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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%

Pokken and Fire Emblem are farmed out projects, another tell tale sign when a Nintendo console is nearing the end is 50% or more of their announced games become farmed out projects and support from the main Nintendo teams slows down (see also: the GameCube's final year).

I agree with a previous poster that said NX centrally is basically a portable that can run Wii U graphics. Maybe there will be a home console/dock companion to that which can do better graphics for television play, but the portable will be the main driver of the product line.

As such, the transition to NX will likely be pretty seamless and several games could be "cross-gen" (like Zelda and Pikmin 4) depending on what Nintendo views as a priority.

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"Big titles."

Yes, it's still coming next year.

Wii U was revealled in 2011 and released in 2012. That could've been a bad move for all we know. PS4 and Xbox one were both announced on the year they released. They already said it existed this year, to then talk about it again at E3 2016 and THEN release it in 2017 doesn't make much sense to me.

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A port
A game series know for release in cross generation consoles
A tranlation for game to be released this year
A game that have never been confirmed for you or 2016

yeah, i'm pretty confident.

"Hardware design isn’t about making the most powerful thing you can.
Today most hardware design is left to other companies, but when you make hardware without taking into account the needs of the eventual software developers, you end up with bloated hardware full of pointless excess. From the outset one must consider design from both a hardware and software perspective."

Gunpei Yoko

I'm still thinking of 2017 launch for the home console

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A holiday 2016 release is very likely.

All I care is for the Wii U to get the exclusive Zelda it deserves. A cross-gen release would be an insult to people who bought a Wii U.

2017 no matter how much the Ninty haters want to believe its 2016. Unless its NX portable which would make sense.

Big titles? Ehh.... Besides Zelda ( which could be cross-gen) I woudn't consider any of those to be big titles.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

Big titles? Ehh.... Besides Zelda ( which could be cross-gen) I woudn't consider any of those to be big titles.

Pokken is a Pokemon spinoff, not exactly sure why you wouldn't consider it big.

Every time I see big titles I can't help but think "big titties"