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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Knowing the big titles coming next year, do you still think the NX will be coming out holiday 2016?


Will the NX launch 2016?

Yes 232 40.07%
No 286 49.40%
See Results 61 10.54%
Rafie said:
iceland said:
I've been saying the reveal in 2016, launch in 2017.

I agree here. I don't see a console/handheld that hasn't been officially revealed (Just the name) coming out in a span of a year.  2017 launch at best. Next year we may see games that may show up at E3 regarding NX.

PS4 and XB1 were revealed and released the same year. Also, if the NX is indeed a fusion, wouldn't revealing one year and not releasing it until the next dramatically decrease 3DS and Wii U sales for a large amount of time?

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If the NX comes out next year, it will have to be backwards compatible to avoid cutting the lifespam of the last WiiU titles.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

VGPolyglot said:
Rafie said:

I agree here. I don't see a console/handheld that hasn't been officially revealed (Just the name) coming out in a span of a year.  2017 launch at best. Next year we may see games that may show up at E3 regarding NX.

PS4 and XB1 were revealed and released the same year. Also, if the NX is indeed a fusion, wouldn't revealing one year and not releasing it until the next dramatically decrease 3DS and Wii U sales for a large amount of time?

It was?! I don't remember hearing about the PS4/XB1 "firstly" in 2013. I thought it was well over a year before we actually heard about it. I could be wrong though.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

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I missed Pikmin 4 announcement altogether.

So WiiU is basically gamecube - 2 pikmin - bst selling game Mario Kart - second will be Super Samsh!

We just need a Luigi Mansion then!


No one should have assumed "NX" was coming out in 2016. There is, of course, ALWAYS the chance that it could, but that would be folly on Nintendo's part, for multiple reasons. Such as:

1. The 3DS, while not doing "DS in it's prime" numbers, is still managing to sell an average of 100k or more units a month, worldwide. And there are still many titles coming to 3DS, which gamers consistently continue to gobble up. There is no reason, from a financial standpoint, to abandon a console that is, quite frankly, doing rather well still, and making them money.

2. The Wii U, while it is NOT a sales success units-wise, is still selling game copies at a healthy rate, at least for big releases like Splatoon, and Smash Bros., and now Mario Maker, etc. etc. etc. The eShop is also doing rather well for Wii U, with not only Nintendo but many indie titles seeing strong sales numbers, hence the reason eShop continues to get more and more indie games (similar to the 3DS), and more indie projects continue to get announced for the Wii U eShop. The system is not a success, and at this juncture no one is really arguing that anymore. But that does not mean that they can't, or shouldn't, continue to support it with good exclusive software, at least through 2016, perhaps even into 2017 a bit. There really is no reason to rush, even though a price drop and better advertising COULD give them a slight spike in sales (and they absolutely should, stupid not to). But Wii U, and the dedicated gamers who bought it, deserves to get at least a handful more good releases next year, such as Zelda, such as SMT x FE, etc.

3. If Nintendo were to release NX next year, there is a very real possibility, even IF they are "near completion" on a Pikmin 4, and even IF they were to be dumb and port Zelda to it, etc., that they could "pull a Saturn/Dreamcast" and release a console too early, with not enough games to support it. If they just wait, and release it in 2017, which makes tons more sense, they would have SIGNIFICANTLY more time to finish, say, a new 3D Mario for the new hardware, as well as some other games, like whatever the living fuck Retro has been working on all this time.

This Zelda game should be Wii U exclusive, IE they should not pull a Twilight Princess with it. The system and it's owners deserve that much, and it is still sure to sell millions of copies, especially if it winds up actually living up to some of it's hype/potential, and by virtue of reputation and hype alone could turn into a mega-hit for the system. A good reason for Nintendo to take their time and NOT fuck it up. And they can always make another great Zelda game from the ground up on the new system later.

But regardless, there are more reasons why it would be better for them to release it in 2017, than there are justifiable ones as to why they should rush and release it in 2016. I just think it would be a mistake all around. Let Wii U and 3DS have one more year+ of solid game releases....THEN release your new platform, with a STRONG games lineup, and just as important, a STRONG marketing campaign (which they absolutely failed to do with Wii U).

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bigtakilla said:

So, a lot of people here assumed that 2016 there would be no games coming to the Wii U, except LoZ, but that would be cross platform. However, there seems to be enough titles that I'm still convinced the NX will be a 2017 launch. Let's just look at the big titles we know are coming.


LoZ Wii U

Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem

*Edit* Pikmin 4 

Add one more bigger project (with the inclusion of Pikmin 4, we are pretty much at the bar for bigger titles) and count the smaller projects like Mario and Sonic at the 2016 Olympics (this is a thing right?) and it looks like any of the other years release schedule for the Wii U. That said, I hope we do get an announcement at E3 this year on what the NX is and what it looks like. So what do you think? 

So 4 - 5 medium to big games for a home console per year "seem enough" so that a successor at the end of that year seems improbable? Man, your standards are low!

PS3 + 360 got dozens of big games in 2013 :

It will launch in about 2 years at the end of 2017

VGPolyglot said:
Rafie said:

I agree here. I don't see a console/handheld that hasn't been officially revealed (Just the name) coming out in a span of a year.  2017 launch at best. Next year we may see games that may show up at E3 regarding NX.

PS4 and XB1 were revealed and released the same year. Also, if the NX is indeed a fusion, wouldn't revealing one year and not releasing it until the next dramatically decrease 3DS and Wii U sales for a large amount of time?

Looking at Nintendo's history of launches it announces the year before usually at that years E3, at the holiday of the next year it launches (Super NES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U), it will be announced next year, and released in 2017, thats just the way Nintendo have done things in the past, dont see them changing

I think it's coming out in 2017 at the earliest, regardless of the lineup.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

I never thought it was coming out in 2016. It was insane to think so.

First, we dont even know what it is, second, its not coming out before fall 2017. Nintendo needs time to develop software for it.
Also, because Nintendo seems to like showing their next system two E3's in a row before launching.