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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Donkey kong tropical freeze hits 1 million


flop or not

amazing sales 50 14.97%
good sales 245 73.35%
flop 30 8.98%
donkey who? 9 2.69%
ghettoglamour said:
You guys are delusional. 1m after a year for such a big franchise is piss poor. Awesome game though, In fact I'm playing it right now.

I think the sales are good for a 2D platformer on a small userbase. I mean look at rayman legends sales. Piss poor on all consoles. 2D platforming us dying a death again. NSMBU sales are mainly bundled sales.

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It's a shame that TF won't even reach half of Returns' sales!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I'm sure it deserves way more than 1M.

Anyway I'm gonna get it one of these days, so you can count one more sale. :D

SjOne said:
freebs2 said:

So, why DK Jungle Beat on GC hasn't sold more than Metroid on GC ? GBA was another popular console, it had kids and Nintendo fans. Donkey is an IP that caters Nintendo fans and kids, Metorid caters N fans and core gamers. Normally DK sells more becuase Nintendo target kids, so when their consoles are successfull you'll have a lot of kids in their userbease. On the other hand, when their consoles are a commercail failure (like GC or WiiU) you'll have exclusively nintendo fans and a bunch of multi consoles owners on board. With these conditions there's not a big difference between games targeted to kids or to core gamers, quality is what matters the most.

Simple, because Jungle Beat isn't a true Donkey Kong Country and it required a separate accessory to get full experience.

Thats a sweeping generalization. Just as many older audiences bought the GBA. Nothing excuses Metroid for being the overall lesser franchise

You are the one who is making a generalitazion. I've given points to tell why the WiiU is a different story form the GBA or the Wii. WiiU is a niche console that caters to the same niche audience of Metroid games. Anyway, I see this is going nowere, there's no point to continue arguing.

Saleswise it's not good.

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Decent numbers considering install base. No surprise it has seen a massive drop compared to it's predecessors.

Soundwave said:
ghettoglamour said:
You guys are delusional. 1m after a year for such a big franchise is piss poor. Awesome game though, In fact I'm playing it right now.


DKC (SNES) - 9.3 million

DKC2 (SNES) - 5.15 million

DKC3 (SNES) - 3.51 million

DKC Returns (Wii) - 6.51 million

DKC: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) - 1 million

Yeah, probably not something to throw a party about. My guess is DKC: TF will be one of the first Wii U games ported to the next Nintendo handheld, Nintendo knows they probably missed out on a lot of DKC TF sales due to the Wii U being such a dud, they will double dip on this one to get a better return. 

Considering that every Donkey Kong Country has been ported to handhelds, I think it's 99.99% gauranteed Tropical Freeze is getting ported to Nintendo's next handheld.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.