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Ocarina of Time 22 4.37%
Majora's Mask 58 11.53%
Wind Waker 85 16.90%
Twilight Princess 81 16.10%
Skyward Sword 140 27.83%
ExplodingBlock said:

What do you guys think is the WORST 3D Zelda? I decided to limit it down to only 3D Zelda so everyone doesn't say "PHANJUM HORGLAS" or "FUR SWURD ADVENTURS"

Yep, you gotta pick which is the worst 3D Zelda, pretty much all of them are master pieces, but there must be one that is the worst!

even a "bad" zelda is a great game :]. I would say 4SA

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Skyward Sword and Majora's Mask for me.

NNID: MagicalLight

FC: 4124 - 5888 - 4804

alternine said:

I disagree that they're all masterpieces when they all clearly have flaws but I digress. The worst would have to be Wind Waker for me. Just didn't like the art style and all the sailing was BEYOND annoying. The story didn't do it any favors either.

But TLOU has a lot of flaws and it's considered "the citizen kane of gaming" lol

Either SS or TP. Probably SS. At least TP had a GCN version. They're pretty close, though.

That poll makes me indescribably happy.

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Twilight Princess, it was cheaply made, world was sparse and unmemorable, and dungeons were boring.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I have to say Twilight Princess.. At least Skyward Sword had the soundtrack, story and visuals going for it.. Twilight Princess had a....... wolf gimmick?

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

This thread... again. I swear to Arceus that this comes up at least once every month. Then its the TP fanboys sayin' SS and the SS fanboys pointing fingers at TP. You got a few rebellious people saying OoT, another dude calling out ALttP, and then the brave soul who dare defies MM.

In my opinion, SS is the worst, however, I'm sure a few of you remember me saying that before

Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess > Windwaker > Ocarina of Time > Skyward Sword

That's my opinion. For reference, this is the order I played them. I started Ocarina of Time before Majora's Mask, but finished Majora's Mask long before I finished Ocarina of Time (I had them on GC, although I played the N64 version of OoT at a friends a few years before that.) I then played Windwaker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword in the correct order since release. Up until beating Majora's Mask I preferred top-down Zelda games to the 3D games.

Ocarina of Time > Majora's Mask > Wind Waker > Skyward Sword > > > > > Twilight Princess.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.