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Ocarina of Time 22 4.37%
Majora's Mask 58 11.53%
Wind Waker 85 16.90%
Twilight Princess 81 16.10%
Skyward Sword 140 27.83%

Twilight Princess. Those dungeons... ugh!


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Ultravolt said:

Twilight Princess. Those dungeons... ugh!

I thought I was the only one who thought they were terribad. :P

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Even though Skyward Sword is my least favorite 3D Zelda, I still enjoyed it.

What I liked:

Its visuals (although jaggies were bad at its 480p resolution, the game looks great on Dolphin.) Sound quality was also a step above Twilight Princess.

It story. I was starting to think there was no way Nintendo could make a reasonable timeline that made sense. I loved how they used Skyward Sword as a platform for an overarching theme in the Zelda franchise. Plus I loved Zelda and Link's interaction in this game, the various NPC's, and the villains.

Motion controls. I loved the combat with Skywards Swords controls. While there was the struggle here and there when controlling items, I got used to it and it was very immersive.

What I didn't like:

- Very little variety in landscape. One of the reasons why I loved Twilight Princess, even if its vast world was empty, was that I could see every type of environment I wanted: fiery volcano, desert, lake, forest, hyrule town, village, hidden village in a western type of setting, snowy mountains, sky city, and twilight world, a cozy little yeti home in what seemingly was barracks. I don't know, despite being empty, the world felt impressively diverse and thriving. While Skyward Sword was excellent in its character density and had great level design, I was disappointed in the amount of variety. While it definitely felt like a deep world, I was dissapointed by the feeling like I kept going back to the same areas.

- Linearity. This goes hand in hand with my previous point. The game was very linear. The most exploration was in the sky, and it had very little to sate my appetite. I need exploration in my Zelda games.

- Tone. The world just didn't feel that much in peril considering the Zelda equivalent of Satan was trying to take over the world. I like my Zelda games to feel like they were in despair.

- Bosses and Dungeons. The bosses and dungeons just didn't do it for me in Skyward Sword. As much as I loved the average game-play because of motion controls, I just didn't feel like the dungeons and bosses were that clever or interesting in design.

Ultravolt said:

Twilight Princess. Those dungeons... ugh!

I have to disagree. Twilight Princess's main quality for me was its dungeons. All of them were very immersive and fun to explore. My favorites were Arbiter's Grounds and Snowpeak Ruins. Actually starting with Arbiter's Grounds all the way to the end the game, the dungeons were great, and more importantly diverse. You go from an abandoned prison in the desert, to a yeti's home which isn't quite a yeti's home, to a hidden temple of time, to a  mysterious city in the sky that supposedly housed the ancestors of hylians, to the twilight realm that has been so important to the game's plot, and then finally to hyrule castle. The dungeons weren't monotonous and they were quite large. The puzzles were average, but puzzles aren't really high on my list, I care more about the atmosphere and exploration-value of a dungeon, and of course the bosses while very easy were interesting and had a role to play in the dungeon that made sense. We obviously disagree, but I just want to say that the dungeons were my favorite part of Twilight Princess. They were the most seamless and thematic of the 3d Zeldas in my opinion. 

Skullwaker said:
Twilight Princess by far, for me. It tries so hard to be dark that it just fails imo. The wolf segments were annoying, the entire map was unnecessarily large with nothing in it, the temples dragged on so long (this can be said for the entire game, as well), the tutorial section lasted for like a third of the entire game and its graphics have aged rather quickly compared to other entries. I just couldn't get into it like the others.

What do you mean by the tutorial section? While I agree it is a long tutorial, it is about 2 hours until the first dungeon if you don't know what to do, it certainly isn't a third of the game. And Skyward Sword had a pretty long tutiorial + cutscene segment as well, at least an hour. The game averages about 40 hours in length. 2/40 = 1/20 = 5% of the total game, not 33%. 

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Slarvax said:

Granted, it's not as boring as TP. I never touched that one when I got to the 3rd dungeon. Planning on beating it this year.

TP gets better after the third dungeon. Fewer fetch quests and a lot of action/exploration. 

No such thing exists.

Well, the poll results could've been worse.

Mask by a mile.

One does not simply make a Worst 3D Zelda thread, but at the moment I'll have to say Skyward.

I played it for a few hours 2 years ago and it felt clunky. Although, soon I might attempt another playthrough which may or may not generate a higher opinion.

As usual, the latest Zelda game proves to be the least popular. Proving that the nostalgia effect is in full effect. I could list the reasons why SS is imo the best zelda game, but this is not what this topic is about.

My least favorite 3D zelda is Wind Waker, what is imo the worst Zelda is still a great game tho. But it had the least dongeons not only in terms of quantity but also quality, something that is pricesely one of SS' strength. But WW's ending tho... wow, imo the best ending of all Zelda game (followed by SS... Did I mention that I loved SS? lol)


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