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As usual, the latest Zelda game proves to be the least popular. Proving that the nostalgia effect is in full effect. I could list the reasons why SS is imo the best zelda game, but this is not what this topic is about.

My least favorite 3D zelda is Wind Waker, what is imo the worst Zelda is still a great game tho. But it had the least dongeons not only in terms of quantity but also quality, something that is pricesely one of SS' strength. But WW's ending tho... wow, imo the best ending of all Zelda game (followed by SS... Did I mention that I loved SS? lol)


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)