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Ocarina of Time 22 4.37%
Majora's Mask 58 11.53%
Wind Waker 85 16.90%
Twilight Princess 81 16.10%
Skyward Sword 140 27.83%
Skullwaker said:
IkePoR said:
Skullwaker said:

All I'm saying is that I didn't find most of them to be any fun. Probably a different story for you, but that's how I experienced it.

Fair enough though I wanted to put things in perspective here.  Anything bad in any TP dungeoun is overshadowed by controling, calling, protecting, saving from a basement and throwing around Makar.

That honestly didn't bother me that much. I think I only had to save Makar once in my multiple playthroughs. To me, nothing felt alive or inspired in TP. Aside from the yeti mansion; that was probably my favorite dungeon tbh.

To each his own then.  You have a much higher tolerance level than me lol.  The constant stops in gameplay in an already slow game make playing feel like a chore to me.  

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IkePoR said:
Skullwaker said:
That honestly didn't bother me that much. I think I only had to save Makar once in my multiple playthroughs. To me, nothing felt alive or inspired in TP. Aside from the yeti mansion; that was probably my favorite dungeon tbh.


To each his own then.  You have a much higher tolerance level than me lol.  The constant stops in gameplay in an already slow game make playing feel like a chore to me.  

Yeah I can see how that would be a problem for some people. I think it's pretty remarkable how each Zelda fan has a different order for their favorite entries in the series. I wonder where Zelda U will rank when everything's said and done...

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Wind Waker was a chore to play due to sailing and the dungeons are pretty forgettable and some of them plain bad and the ocean is a lot of empty space, with most islands being uninteresting, also the tri-force fetch quest is easily the worst filler from any Zelda game


English is not my native language

For me it's Ocarina > Skyward > Twilight > Majora > Waker

Metrium said:
As usual, the latest Zelda game proves to be the least popular. Proving that the nostalgia effect is in full effect. 

Does this apply to portable releases? Cause A Link Between Worlds is like the greatest game ever.  

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

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Not a huge fan of twilight princess.

Bman54 said:
Metrium said:
But it had the least dongeons not only in terms of quantity

No, that would be Majora's Mask.

Oh, that's right, I totaly forgot to mention that I played them all but MM. So to be fair, maybe you are right :P


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


Mythmaker1 said:
AZWification said:

I have to say Twilight Princess.. At least Skyward Sword had the soundtrack, story and visuals going for it.. Twilight Princess had a....... wolf gimmick?

Visuals, yes. I'll even grant the soundtrack, despite half being generic and boring. But the story? It's by far the worst thing about that game.

I don't know what to say.. It wasn't anything amazing, but I still liked it a bit!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I enjoyed the story of Skyward Sword as well; Zelda herself was by far my favourite incarnation of her; very likeable and endearing. Ghirahim was a fun villain also. Plus, some scenes I won't spoil here genuinely moved me.

st0pnsw0p said:
Yeah, Skyward Sword. Some the uses for motion+ were good, all the rest were annoying and/or bad, there was almost no exploration and story wasn't compelling.

I knew we were all up the creek when Miyamoto was up on stage at E3, waggling the control around like he was trying to swat flies unsucsessfully.