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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So DriveClub just smoked Forza

Chazore said:

I'm not really getting the comparison here, one is open world and 60fps, the other isn't open world and isn't 60fps.

Seriously why make a thread for the purpose of discussion when there isn't any to be had, clearly none to be had for FH2 even though it's clearly mentioned in the title, any talk of that is met with constant downplay and only "omgz teh graphix" gloat and praise for DC with just screen shots, it appears to be another vs thread to only serve gloating purposes with downplaying as dessert.

FH2 is 30  FPS btw, but its still better than driveclub, or at least more fun!

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Drive Club is a great game. Deff does not deserve the hate. Has more content than MK8...

I have said before that I think Drive Club has the best visuals I have ever seen in a game period. We already knew the game looked better but Forza wins in gameplay and that's what matters. Do they still plan to release the PS Plus version?

Game looks great.

@Vasto: when they released challenges and weather they said they are still improving server. They said massive jmprovements on it and were still studying psn+ version.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Smoked it in everything but what actually matters- enjoyment (for me). Both are good games, but I love Forza's open world.

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bananaking21 said:
just what we need. another DC vs forza thread.

Yeah I much prefer GT vs Forza threads

The One and Only

Driveclub is the best looking game on the PS4 right now and probably any consoles. Its what I expect from a nextgen game.

Puppyroach said:
Aphelion said:

With the weather update visually is so cloce to real life no game comes even close.  Given the giant difference in overall graphics it is showing, any else like me here who just cant wait for the eventual Forza 6 and GT7 showdowm.  Both high quality franchises, but i think PS4 clearly evident power advanbtage will be the reason for all around GT standing head and shoulders above Forza but only is Kaz's stubborness doe snot hold it back from being trualy the racer of this gen.

Does it make Driveclubs gameplay any better?

It sure makes it even more challenging. From an easy win, back to a hard struggle after already having driven 800km on the track. The gameplay is supurb, racing feels just right, perfect balance between speed and danger. The tracks are all extremely well put together. This kind of racing, where learning every bump on the track matters, simply can't be gotten from an open world racer. NFS Rivals and FH have their own strengths, but I never really get engaged in the actual racing in those games. Still finding challenge, thrills and fun after 800km on any track is what sets DC apart. It's like racing on the Nordschleife, except the AI is actually racing against you.

A shame nobody will know it since the bad reviews without weather are set in stone

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I admit, i had a less impression on the games when it was released, and at that time i gave more praise on Forza H 2 because it has an open track and open world but there are a lot of complain about how small the world is compare to having a close track like on Forza 5 (main line series).

After they fix the most important thing for the games "the online aspect" and added weather effect, i saw the video and heard the praise and they blown me even i haven't got my hand on the games. Now i think they are equal footing with slightly better on DriveClub .