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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What Can Nintendo Do To Appeal To The West?

people dont buy thirdy parties on wii U.
Only ninty games sell on wii U.

What they have to do?
Same thing as they did on HW, but with a popular western game.

Put a big developer to do a western game with ninty characters on wii U.
Ninty fans would open their mind for 3rd party games, and fans of the game(that buy every game) would have to buy the wii U.

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teigaga said:

1) Yes, I know and thats why I said comparing the profits of a newly launched system versus a system thats been out for a while is nonsensical. Launches are expensive and very little money if any is traditional made on hardware. Again refer back to the 3DS and Wii U's lauch.

2) Wii had a tons of third party support, a high selling system and third party support are always synonymous. Although I'm sure the 64 was profitable, how did you distinguish the revenue Nintendo made from that n64 versus the Gameboy which had much higher uptake.

3) 3DS Hardware sales >>> Wii U. 3DS profit margins >>>> Wii U. 3DS Software sales in 2014 >>> Wii U. Why would this be up for debate?

Wii U has had one big software hit this year (MK8) and then hardware which only started selling at a profit from early summer.

1) Someone said that without third party support Nintendo is fucked. It is fucked to make profits? Sony is making profits in its gaming division with third party [driving sales] and Nintendo is doing it without much third party input. Both Sony and Nintendo are doing something different, but the end result is that they are both making profits. What's different about them? I'll give you a hint, it is two words... one starts with a B and the other starts with a M.

2) Compared to Xbox 360 and PS3 it didn't. It is all relative. Every console has third party support. The question is, did the third party support drive the install base and bring home the bacon. In the case of the N64, Wii and Wii U, it didn't.

3) Lol, why do you think you are special? I''m not going to take your word for it. You made an assertion. Show me proof on Nintendo's balance sheet that the 3DS is making more money/profits [recently] than the Wii U. It's simple really.

Ka-pi96 said:
They need to make a console with POWAH!

But seriously though, they do need a console more comparable to the PS/Xbox, especially the architecture. They should go x86 as well rather than PowerPC, would make porting a lot easier and would give them a much much better chance of getting 3rd party multiplats as well. 3rd party games are the real system sellers these days so that's what they need to be succesful in the west.

Oh... and get some kind good achievement system already!

Playing bayonetta ive noticed that it has achievements, along with a few other games such as Hyrule warriors and Monster Hunter tri. Even if Nintendo didnt have a universal achievement system set up why on earth arent the individual game ones not linked to an account to show they exist.

Soundwave said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Third party is the problem. Most people follow the third party.

That's why a big deal with Disney could help even the scales a lot. 

A system with just Nintendo IP on it? Appeals to some people.

But add Iron Man, Captain America, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, etc. to back up Mario? 

Suddenly now I think people would start to pay attention, as long as Nintendo could ensure the games are good (just treat the Marvel IP the same as they would their internal IP). 

Third party situation is so bad that I don't think it will be fixed anytime soon, that's a dysfunctional relationship between a guy and his ex, at some point it just gets so bad that they just need to be away from each other. 

Don't forget Star Wars!

Ka-pi96 said:
They need to make a console with POWAH!

But seriously though, they do need a console more comparable to the PS/Xbox, especially the architecture. They should go x86 as well rather than PowerPC, would make porting a lot easier and would give them a much much better chance of getting 3rd party multiplats as well. 3rd party games are the real system sellers these days so that's what they need to be succesful in the west.

Oh... and get some kind good achievement system already!

Am I the only one against this? I like the fact that Nintendo is using exotic (custom Power PC chip and GPU) hardware. Id like to see them go even more exotic with their next console, like a SX-ACE based NEC vector CPU, or a tweaked for gaming Fujitsu SPARC 64 VIIIfx processor.

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teigaga said:
Mnementh said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Third party is the problem. Most people follow the third party.

Nintendo will not thrive on third-party, regardless what they do. EA announced to support WiiU big time - and what happened? WiiU got pretty good support from Activision and Ubisoft at the start - and what happened? No, getting third-party with their usual multiplats on board is no solution (at least not alone). Special cooperations like Hyrule Warriors proved to be much more successful.

Context. No one wanted to play those 3rd party games on the Wii U when the system added nothing of percieved value (A map on the Gamepad is not percieved value), infact in same cases performance were reportedly worse on Wii U.  Again the hardware was at fault.

Paying attention to history you'll see that Nintendo home consoles haver never thrived off 1st party alone. That is a myth constantly being perpetuated by Nintendo fans for some strange reason. They make profit but the  closest we have to that was the wii which had TONS of third party support, but mostly sold of off wii sports, Wii fit and MK wii.

I didn't say first party alone is the solution. but typical third-party multiplats will not be bought on Nintendo-systems and Nintendo-systems don't sell only on typical third-party multiplats. Look at WiiU-launch and PS4 launch in comparison. They had both a lot of typical multiplats. but WiiU didn't sold while PS4 sells. The difference isn't performance, do you think people bought PS4 to play the games they could play on their PS3 with some more pixels? It is more than that. People buy PS4 usually on the promise of future greatness. Many also on this forum refer to their expectations of future titles to justify the purchase. Nintendo doesn't offer this promise. That's the difference and a main reason why multiplats alone don't work.

I never said Nintendo should rely only on first-party. I only said multiplats don't work, at least alone. This doesn't mean Nintendo should avoid getting multiplats. But it shouldn't be the focus. In my post I offered a coopoeration as example, but there is much more. You can look at 3DS, it has third-party support, but only a few multiplats. And that works.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

The more pertinent question is what can Nintendo do to increase popularity in the West without compromising the quality of their hardware and software. That is a very difficult question, and as someone who thinks that Western culture including video games is largely vapid and uninteresting, I guess I'm not the person to answer.

Ka-pi96 said:

I don't much care what they use, I doubt I'd really see much if any difference anyways. I'm just thinking going for whatever is easiest to port to would be best. Right now pretty much every 3rd part game is a PC/PS/Xbox multiplat by default, if Nintendo consoles were similar to PC and very easy to port to then there's no reason they couldn't be one of the default platforms for all games as well.

Porting difficulty isn't much about the processor-architecture. OK, something really exotic might be problematic, but PowerPC, ARM and x86 all have good compiler-support. So the porting difficulty because of CPU is nearly irrelevant.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

I like Where Nintendo is going.. And can't se why they should make Disnye games better.. That would only make sense if they got a +10 years exklusiv deal.. and not even then..

But if they should appeal to the more hardcore gamer.. They should release a more powerful WiiU..

It Should be a normal WiiU, and only getting games that can be played on the Original WiiU.. BUT also have a "steam machine" channel..

That would.. (imo) make it the worlds most complete machine.. capable of anything and with a nice "Internet/off tvplay/ second screen/ and more" controller..

Edit: Or they should cut wiiu life one year before normal.. and release new gen early 2016 (show it e3 2015) complet with more power, steam machine and VR.

(I do offen think this is Nintendo's secret plan (mayby not steam) but that Nintendo made the WiiU like a "transit console", becourse the parts they need for the true revolution,, not was ready/cheap enuf in 2011)

Stop making games with the same mascots for awhile and pump out alot of new IP