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teigaga said:

1) Yes, I know and thats why I said comparing the profits of a newly launched system versus a system thats been out for a while is nonsensical. Launches are expensive and very little money if any is traditional made on hardware. Again refer back to the 3DS and Wii U's lauch.

2) Wii had a tons of third party support, a high selling system and third party support are always synonymous. Although I'm sure the 64 was profitable, how did you distinguish the revenue Nintendo made from that n64 versus the Gameboy which had much higher uptake.

3) 3DS Hardware sales >>> Wii U. 3DS profit margins >>>> Wii U. 3DS Software sales in 2014 >>> Wii U. Why would this be up for debate?

Wii U has had one big software hit this year (MK8) and then hardware which only started selling at a profit from early summer.

1) Someone said that without third party support Nintendo is fucked. It is fucked to make profits? Sony is making profits in its gaming division with third party [driving sales] and Nintendo is doing it without much third party input. Both Sony and Nintendo are doing something different, but the end result is that they are both making profits. What's different about them? I'll give you a hint, it is two words... one starts with a B and the other starts with a M.

2) Compared to Xbox 360 and PS3 it didn't. It is all relative. Every console has third party support. The question is, did the third party support drive the install base and bring home the bacon. In the case of the N64, Wii and Wii U, it didn't.

3) Lol, why do you think you are special? I''m not going to take your word for it. You made an assertion. Show me proof on Nintendo's balance sheet that the 3DS is making more money/profits [recently] than the Wii U. It's simple really.