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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox has around 17m Gold subscribers

GamechaserBE said:
BeElite said:
prinz_valium said:
BeElite said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Xbox Live has to be what makes Xbox financially worthwhile.

17 million is massive. The X1 appeals to core gamers so that subscription number should remain high in the coming years.

 no it does not, sales show that pretty blatantly.

The subs will drop like a rock due to low sales.

ohh boy

im sure ur right like always..

Take a look at sales, i am.

I dont delude my self to argue reality.

But do keeo it up, its always hilarious.

What are core gamers BeElite? And how many PS4 users are core gamers?  

peopel that are buying PS4s, or lol do you think the hardcore are sustaining such massive sales do you.  

Around the Network
GamechaserBE said:
BeElite said:

Take a look at sales, i am.

I dont delude my self to argue reality.

But do keeo it up, its always hilarious.

What are core gamers BeElite? And how many PS4 users are core gamers?  


The One and Only

Imaginedvl said:
Blood_Tears said:
Yeah this was up over 30 million a few years ago..

Yah... Except it was 30 million "accounts"...
And not gold. But nice try, I totaly understand what you are triyng to do here :)

Nice try? at what, posting in a thread?   Give up the victim act please, it's just pathetic at this point.   And what am i trying to do here?  Please let everyone in on your wise ways..


And no it wasn't 30 million accounts, it actually was 40 million accounts in January 2012 that Balmer disclosed.

Prior to that in 2010 they had a 50% attach rate that put them to 12.5 M gold users

So yes maybe I am off on the 30M gold users over all. However, since 2010 they have sold over 35 million X360's and 5M X1's and you think they only gained 4.5M more gold users?  It's more then likely that MS has gained a lot more Gold users since 2010 and lost a % of them after the X1 launch.



GamechaserBE said:
BeElite said:
prinz_valium said:

ohh boy

im sure ur right like always..

Take a look at sales, i am.

I dont delude my self to argue reality.

But do keeo it up, its always hilarious.

What are core gamers BeElite? And how many PS4 users are core gamers?  

You know the number of core gamers on XBO and PS4? Please share. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Mr Puggsly said:
Zekkyou said:
That's an awful lot less than i would have expected o.O I suppose a lot of people must settle for Silver.

You have to consider the average gamer isn't playing online.

Unless you're an avid fan of a competitive game(s), there isn't much of reason to pay for online gaming.

Yeah. I discontinued my PS+ sub. I almost never have the time to play online. So It's not needed as of now.

Around the Network
GamechaserBE said:
MoHasanie said:
fireburn95 said:
How would he know no. Of gold subs?! Seems like he pulled that out of nowhere

Because their game, World of Tanks which released last year, was free to all gold subscribers.

=p  Everybody got it?

Yes, that WoT released last year on 360 or to be more precise February 2014 :)

Fusioncode said:
GamechaserBE said:
BeElite said:
prinz_valium said:

ohh boy

im sure ur right like always..

Take a look at sales, i am.

I dont delude my self to argue reality.

But do keeo it up, its always hilarious.

What are core gamers BeElite? And how many PS4 users are core gamers?  

You know the number of core gamers on XBO and PS4? Please share. 

Indeed I also would like to know. Should Poke BeElite about it :).

archer9234 said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Zekkyou said:
That's an awful lot less than i would have expected o.O I suppose a lot of people must settle for Silver.

You have to consider the average gamer isn't playing online.

Unless you're an avid fan of a competitive game(s), there isn't much of reason to pay for online gaming.

Yeah. I disconntinued my PS+ sub. I almost never have the time to play online. So It's not needed as of now. But only 17 million. I seriosuly thought it was more. Compared to that 80m userbase. That's pretty sucky.

Well, how many of these do still play on their console in 2014? Many consoles (if 360, Wii or PS3) are just dust collectors or something similar nowadays. Not to forget that many people own more than one of "the same" console. If it's because of special editions, consoles for living room and bedroom or whatever. Especially when consoles got cheaper many bought a second one for their home. 

crissindahouse said:
GamechaserBE said:
MoHasanie said:
fireburn95 said:
How would he know no. Of gold subs?! Seems like he pulled that out of nowhere

Because their game, World of Tanks which released last year, was free to all gold subscribers.

=p  Everybody got it?

Yes, that WoT released last year on 360 or to be more precise February 2014 :)

My point is that not everyone download the Gold games even when they have Gold...

GamechaserBE said:

My point is that not everyone download the Gold games even when they have Gold...

I was obviously joking and knew that you didn't mean that

Talking about if he knows the numbers, he did have to know the number to even consider a 360 version. Not sure if that is what MoHasanie tried to say but since it's a f2p game for Xbox Live gold subscribers he obviously asked MS how many people are paying for it to have an idea about if WoT can do good on 360 or if it is a lost case. Question is from when the 17 million number is. I think it's a number from 2014, maybe from few month ago or so. 

You won't make a f2p multiplayer only game with that scale for a console without asking the console manufacturer for these important numbers. You could lose millions if your game will flop because you didn't know it better and just guessed the numbers. 

But I think that it wasn't meant to be talked about in public so that he could get some trouble if MS will realize that he talked openly about this.