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Imaginedvl said:
Blood_Tears said:
Yeah this was up over 30 million a few years ago..

Yah... Except it was 30 million "accounts"...
And not gold. But nice try, I totaly understand what you are triyng to do here :)

Nice try? at what, posting in a thread?   Give up the victim act please, it's just pathetic at this point.   And what am i trying to do here?  Please let everyone in on your wise ways..


And no it wasn't 30 million accounts, it actually was 40 million accounts in January 2012 that Balmer disclosed.

Prior to that in 2010 they had a 50% attach rate that put them to 12.5 M gold users

So yes maybe I am off on the 30M gold users over all. However, since 2010 they have sold over 35 million X360's and 5M X1's and you think they only gained 4.5M more gold users?  It's more then likely that MS has gained a lot more Gold users since 2010 and lost a % of them after the X1 launch.