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    L6: Splicer(9,870 until level 7)
    • A 39 year old male gamer
    • Joined on February 21st 2013, last online on 27 April 2017.
    • Profile Views: 14,137
    • Forum posts: 2,730 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 2,250.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Flaming (This is your 23rd moderation in the space of a year, and yet you're still doing the same thing you were doing all that time ago. You're derailing the topic here and causing an argument, and this is far from the first time that you've done this. Time after time you've baited and flamed other users, and generally attacked the site and people on it. Well, now you've run out of chances. You've had plenty of chances to improve your behaviour and you haven't, so now it's time to find a new forum home.) ~ Conegamer [6847141]
    You have liked 0 posts.
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    It's a Start Bank a Total of 2,000 VG$.
    Leaving Limbo 100 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    Watch Your Back! Received 10,000 profile views.
    First Rung Of The Ladder Earned 10,000 gamrPoints
    Trust Me, It'll Have Legs 100 replies made to user's most popular thread.
    Littlest Genocide 1,000 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    1st Birthday Has been a VGChartz member for over 1 year.



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