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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox has around 17m Gold subscribers

Blood_Tears said:
Imaginedvl said:
Blood_Tears said:
Yeah this was up over 30 million a few years ago..

Yah... Except it was 30 million "accounts"...
And not gold. But nice try, I totaly understand what you are triyng to do here :)

Nice try? at what, posting in a thread?   Give up the victim act please, it's just pathetic at this point.   And what am i trying to do here?  Please let everyone in on your wise ways..


And no it wasn't 30 million accounts, it actually was 40 million accounts in January 2012 that Balmer disclosed.

Prior to that in 2010 they had a 50% attach rate that put them to 12.5 M gold users

So yes maybe I am off on the 30M gold users over all. However, since 2010 they have sold over 35 million X360's and 5M X1's and you think they only gained 4.5M more gold users?  It's more then likely that MS has gained a lot more Gold users since 2010 and lost a % of them after the X1 launch.



Hope you are not serious :) People like you are funny, they are bashing MS at any opportunity and expect people to act like they are poor innocent objective forum posters. Assume yourself now please!

In any case, 17 millions is still a massive number . Losing some of their gold subscribers with the X1 or not.

Also your second post makes more sense and I'm glad you realized and admited that your 30 million gold subscribers was completly off.

It is true tho that following the trend it may be higher than 17m today and therefor this number is off. OR Microsoft effectively lost a lot of subscribers (with what happen with the Xbox One it would not be surprising).

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You should also take into account that currently only one person per console needs an Xbox Live subscription now, as Gold can be shared on Xbox One.

Imaginedvl said:
Captain_Tom said:
Mr Puggsly said:
Xbox Live has to be what makes Xbox financially worthwhile.

17 million is massive. The X1 appeals to core gamers so that subscription number should remain high in the coming years.

That used to be around 30-40 million if I am not mistaken.

It was accounts in general (including silvers). I expect this number to be way higher today. Even PSN had 60 million (again, non paying) at some point.
17 million paying users is huge I think.

I agree. 17 mill is good.



Yes. It's a lot higher today. By October 30 2013 there were:

110 mill PlayStation Network accounts

65 mill Steam accounts

48 mill Xbox Live accounts

tinfamous12 said:
You should also take into account that currently only one person per console needs an Xbox Live subscription now, as Gold can be shared on Xbox One.

Yes and it's the same for PS4. If 1 account is subscribing to PS+ all the other accounts on the machine share the subscription.

Imaginedvl said:
Blood_Tears said:





Hope you are not serious :) People like you are funny, they are bashing MS at any opportunity and expect people to act like they are poor innocent objective forum posters. Assume yourself now please!

In any case, 17 millions is still a massive number . Losing some of their gold subscribers with the X1 or not.

Also your second post makes more sense and I'm glad you realized and admited that your 30 million gold subscribers was completly off.

It is true tho that following the trend it may be higher than 17m today and therefor this number is off. OR Microsoft effectively lost a lot of subscribers (with what happen with the Xbox One it would not be surprising).

People like me huh? lol I don't bash MS at every opportunity, I actually don't mind the Xbox. I had a blast with my X360 playing Gears and the early JRPG's on it and I'll buy an X1 if they get some exclusive JRPG's on it as well.  It's the defensive MS supporters I don't care for. The kind that just let an online forum or any potential negative news go to their head and assume their positions in the console warzzz..but you wouldn't know anything about that would you?  no, because I can tell your're more level headed then that......

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archer9234 said:

Yeah. I disconntinued my PS+ sub. I almost never have the time to play online. So It's not needed as of now. But only 17 million. I seriosuly thought it was more. Compared to that 80m userbase. That's pretty quick drop.

80m isn't the user base. How many 360s bought in 2005-2007 are still working? How many people still play on it? It's not like everybody still is using their consoles.

That... is waayyy lower than what I originally thought. o.O

kitler53 said:

hell,. for every 10M gold users that is up to $600M in yearly revenue. if you look at ms's financials you had to know the gold sub rate wasn't 40M else that would be $2.4 billion in revenue a year and the division xbox is in just isn't that profitable.

I don't think it makes MS that much money. There are loads of sales where you can get a Gold subscription for $40 and lots of other discounts too.  


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

shikamaru317 said:

How would this guy know how many Gold subs there are? He doesn't work for MS. And somehow I doubt they just told him the number. I'd guess the number is around 25-30m personally.

His game was free for all Gold subscribers so I'm sure when he signed the deal to make it free, he was told how many Gold subscribers they are. I'm sure all devs who bring their games free to PS+ and GwG are told how many subscribers there are as well. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

crissindahouse said:
GamechaserBE said:

My point is that not everyone download the Gold games even when they have Gold...

I was obviously joking and knew that you didn't mean that

Talking about if he knows the numbers, he did have to know the number to even consider a 360 version. Not sure if that is what MoHasanie tried to say but since it's a f2p game for Xbox Live gold subscribers he obviously asked MS how many people are paying for it to have an idea about if WoT can do good on 360 or if it is a lost case. Question is from when the 17 million number is. I think it's a number from 2014, maybe from few month ago or so. 

You won't make a f2p multiplayer only game with that scale for a console without asking the console manufacturer for these important numbers. You could lose millions if your game will flop because you didn't know it better and just guessed the numbers. 

But I think that it wasn't meant to be talked about in public so that he could get some trouble if MS will realize that he talked openly about this. 

Yeah that's what I meant. 
In regards to the number, its probably from early 2014. Not sure how much it would have changed from then though. Titanfall came out so that would have increased subscriptions but the gold requirement for netflix was removed. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54