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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which of these 3 can boost sales the most Yoshi,Splatoon, or Mario Maker(WiiU 1st half 2015 Games)?



Yoshi WW 9 19.15%
Splatoon 23 48.94%
Mario Maker 15 31.91%

Splatoon could be the next Mario Kart / Super Smash Bros for Nintendo in the U.S

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I would probably assume..
Mario Maker > Splatoon > Yoshi

Mario Maker will probably have tons of replay value; Making crazy levels and sharing them with your family members or the gaming community, people doing YouTube vids of the most rage-inducing levels, and so forth.

Splatoon seems like a game that focuses on the online multiplayer aspect, which the Wii U heavily needs. It'll probably boost more sales if the game has a Story Mode with a compelling story line, as well as allowing voice chat for multiplayer (please enable mute options so I don't have to hear little kid voices).

Yoshi's new game gives off a vibe that's gonna be another forgettable 2D platform game similar to DK Tropical Freeze, little to no replay value.

Mario Maker may sell the most if Nintendo goes all out on it and I hope they do, because people may find out there are free Mario making games online that have more feature and everyone will just play those instead. Heck, there's even one where Mario has a portal gun and it comes with a map design that looks like a 2D rendering of Aperature's Lab. It also has flinging physics too.

It's a tough call. My money is on Splatoon, because I think it's going to catch on. It a pretty novel shooter. That said, Mario Maker has a lot of potential, depending on how much Nintendo puts into it. It may also be the cheapest on top of that, which could help it. However it might be digital only, which could hurt it. Yoshi is tried and true and this looks like it has the makings of a top notch Yoshi game. Whether it sells millions or not, it probably deserves to.

Man 2015 looks bad untill zelda and x comes out. Two major games im one whole year. I really hope nintendo announce some better looking games for next year.OT non of these seem any better system sellers than 3d world, DKTF or mario bros u. Non of which have really shifted a ton of console. I think these games will be bought by the current owners

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Mario Maker, because Mario. But really I don't see any of them doing much.

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If decent price; Mario Maker

If not, then Yoshi.

But im sure Splatoon will be a fan favourite.

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i dont think splatoon or mario maker are going to do much.

yoshi, however, has all the appeal of what nintendo is known (and is synonymus with mario) for and yoshi usually does decent numbers so does the yarn/ wool series of games.

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one

I would say Yoshi, but I doubt that any of these will have an impact that's worth mentioning.

Uhhhhhhhhhh........ Splatoon? I don't know, I don't think any of those games can make a relevant impact! :/

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