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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rise of the Tomb Raider Timed Exclusive for Xbox

GamechaserBE said:
Wagram said:
Apparently some tweets are suggesting a full exclusive on tomb raider. Then again that could be PR for now. If it's full exclusive then I seriously don't understand SE. Do they not remember getting fucked last gen with franchises by putting them out on the system that a majority of its fans aren't on?

It looks like MS is the publisher, considering they were not happy with the millions of sales the last game made MS must have invested in the franchise. 

That makes some kind of sense, Square Enix must've been crappy with Crystal Dynamics. Is Microsoft the best publisher right now? Insominiac said the same thing more or less.

Still, I wanna play RoTR regardless of platform, so in conjuction with Halo 5, Its a reason to buy a One,

Typically, the console with the smallest userbase doesn't get this much exclusive support, so these Devs must not have much faith in their games selling for whatever reason, no offense to XB1 fans, but RoTR won't sell as many consoles as the Halo 5, and that will still leave the global gap, although US might finally decrease. But still, 16 mill users, looks like Sony needs to fight an exclusive war with MS.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Carl2291 said:
Pezus/ Walsufnir.

If the bet isnt happening, drop it please. No more.

Is Ninsect confirmed Pezus? Does their IPs match?

so i expect the same reaction when sony announces some 3rd party exclusive

cant wait to see this game in action

Azerth said:
so i expect the same reaction when sony announces some 3rd party exclusive

cant wait to see this game in action

A 3rd party exclusive that was previously confirmed for Xbox, sure. Imagine the backlash if they announced Destiny was now only on Playstation

The One and Only

Arkaign said:
benji232 said:

How do you know? You know how much money microsoft gave SE? But what do I know? I guess a bunch of people on online gaming forums MUST know better then a multi-billion dollar corporation!

It's sad, but with many decisions Microsoft has made near the end of 360 gen and especially with the XB1, I'd have to say that the average forum opinion is FAR better than what crack they're smoking at Xbox HQ.

It's even tangible and provable. If the X1 baseline doesn't get bumped in a noticeable way when this TR releases, then Microsoft wasted their money. X1 owners get nothing for this, they were already getting the game. And TR = system seller? Don't make me laugh. This isn't 1996.

I never said that Tomb Raider was a system seller. I didn't even comment on whether or not this is a good deal for both parties. All that I'm saying is that we have no clue of the specifics of this deal between both companies so we really cannot say if it's really a bad deal for SE or Microsoft or both.

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M

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Arkaign said:

Eh, I'm not bitter, I haven't bought a TR since the 90s. I played a little of the last one on PC, and wasn't impressed. I admit I didn't give it a whole lot of a chance, but it seemed like a QTE fest, which wasn't what I remembered liking about TR.

What I think is stupid is :

Microsoft choice A : Don't moneyhat TR, spend that $XXM on first party development instead, or spend it towards giving every new XB1 owner 3 or 6 months free XBLG, or any number of SMART things.

Microsoft choice B : Moneyhat TR, with the sole benefit being keeping a game not known for selling well OFF of other platforms?

Xbox owners would have gotten the game either way, so this is ... useless? IMHO yes, this is useless and wasteful (and worst of all, not even an effective choice). At least Titanfall got some buzz and resulted in a bump after the biggest hype train in gaming history. TR? Wow. Just ... wow.

For gamers MS putting that money into new games have of course been better but for Microsoft I think its a very different ball.

Tombraider 2013 sold 4m which is impressive whether people like to admit it or not.... Its not quite megaton but its near enough. This will shift systems, how much is yet to be determined but the name still carries weight and it could be the one title that pushes someone over to an Xbox One over a PS4. Annecdotally my friends really enjoyed the last tomb raider, and prefer it over Uncharted... They have no console bias and dont have a next gen system yet. Tomb raider could quite easily push them over to Xbox.

Is it the most efficient investment microsoft could have made? Probably not, but I dont think its a bad move either. Halo and Tombraider sound like a killer combo for an exlcusive holiday line up IMO.

This was a business decision, sure. It was well played by Microsoft, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics. But it was still a dick move from them. From their Tumblr:

"Today’s announcement with Microsoft is one step to help us put Tomb Raider on top of action adventure gaming."

But have you realized that Tomb Raider could on top of action adventure gaming by, I dunno... making it available to all of the gaming community, who will buy, play and cherish your game? By purposefully alienating the PS4 and PC fans, you are basically choosing money over the loyal fans on those platforms. Sure, it was a business decision, but personally, I don't want your business anymore CD.

Wright said:

I wonder what would have happened if it was actually exclusive to WiiU, after Nintendo had made a deal with Crystal Dynamics.

I'd actually handle it a bit better cause I'm getting a Wii U for Smash this year

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I'm still perplexed by this. Square went multiplatform with FFXIII, presumably because "high dev costs, so we need to be exposed to as many gamers as possible" and they proceeded to go multi with KH3 and FFXV. But now....they go exclusive to the XBone of all things? The console with the lowest markestshare and whose fanbase buys the least amount of SE games out of the Big 3. They're really gonna ignore the PS community, who, on both the PS3 and PS4, bought more Tomb Raider than the Xbox counterpart?

MS must have given them a huge chunk of money.


Teeqoz said:

Is Ninsect confirmed Pezus? Does their IPs match?

Not the thread to discuss it, but yes. Ninsect is pezus' new account.