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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

Everything is beasting if you take into account many years into the future. Right now, when it actually matters, it is not beasting, nothing is, nothing ever does in the summer

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Alt Removed - Carl

BeElite said:

and X1 big holiday title is remaster of far far older games buddy  

As far as op beasting lol, if i wasent a car nut and F5 id have no use for the X1. 

A collection that remasters 4  games VS A remaster of a single game............ OK!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Alt Removed - Carl

DrDoomz said:

You could ignore it if you like(and please don't speak for "most people" unless you have a source proving this claim), doesn't make you right. It's a part of the PS4 library whether you want to accept it or not.

Yeah its a part of it, i never said it wasnt.  Im just saying from a completely psychological point of view it will always be considered more of a PS3 game than a PS4 game giving the length of time it was released for both consoles.  Im not trying to knock on the game, i think its a fantastic game.  Im not trying to speak for everybody, but i also know how people's minds work.  And even then ill still say that the original comment you quoted was talking about libraries, not a single game.  


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Alt Removed - Carl

Alt Removed - Carl

Alt Removed - Carl

just a question: they are giving free games in live gold like ps+?
if so, which games have been available for now?

Is it hard for us to be happy that all three consoles are getting some really good games? Why the need to downplay, btw the OP only talked about all the great games that has been released and will be released for X1, it doesn't have anything to do with PS4 ( and this is directed to both sides of the argument). Now, grow up and get back OT...