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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

pbroy said:
toastboy44562 said:

In 2014 we had:

Killer Instinct, Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood, Assassins Creed 4, Xbox Fitness, Call of Duty Ghosts, Madden, Fifa, other smaller titles, Indies etc.


This year we have:

Titanfall, Plants vs Zombies, Watchdogs, Madden, Fifa, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive, Halo:The Masterchief Collection, Forza Horizons 2, Project Spark, Assassins Creed Unity, GTA5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Dance Evolution, more sports titles, other smaller titles, far more Indies etc.


What we know is coming next year:

Quantum Break, Batman, Evolve, Halo 5, Fable Legends, Crackdown, yearly titles.

Still waiting for Gears of War 4 or a Gears Collection!

Xbox One has so many exclusive titles and things are looking great for the system. Xbox One is beasting homies

So we are in 2015 now?

Lol what are you talking about? Do i need to panda-headbutt you??

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DrDoomz said:

Didn't answer my question. So I take it, none? M'kay.

I own TLoU on PS3 so there was no reason for me to buy it on PS4 but ill say coming this holiday MCC easily.  No better package of content in video games.

Though this whole who has better games will always end with opinions rather than facts so maybe the topic should be dropped.  Thread was never about who has the best games in the first place


Raziel123 said:
Imaginedvl said:

We all have family/friends with Xbox One or PS4 and we all have a different oppinion.
Thanks for sharing yours, can you go back on topic please as it is in no way a PS4 versus Xbox One thread (if you take the time to read the OP).

It is on topic. If it was "beasting" in games there'd be a reason for me to get one and there isn't, specially with many of its "big" titles on PC.

The games could be on PC, PS4, WiiU it will will not change a thing. The topic is about the Xbox One doing well in that departement and you are just derailing the thread by trying to bash it at every occasion.

This forum could use more of this, threads of people just being excited about games or a console they own. Too much cynicism from all sides. Glad you're having fun Toast Boy.

I knew this was a toastboy thread right away. But I will say I was expecting it to be much worse. Pretty solid list of games.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

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(wrong post)

DrDoomz said:

Didn't answer my question. So I take it, none? M'kay.

Whatever. Enjoy your remaster of a 2013 game, buddy!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I wouldn't say "beasting"...

JayWood2010 said:
DrDoomz said:

Didn't answer my question. So I take it, none? M'kay.

I own TLoU on PS3 so there was no reason for me to buy it on PS4 but ill say coming this holiday MCC easily.  No better package of content in video games.

Though this whole who has better games will always end with opinions rather than facts.  

Not the point. His exact statement was " The X1, so far, has a better library of games than the PS4!". TLOU:R is within the current library of the PS4 (as much as some ppl would like to downplay that fact), so he must think that there is a game currently out on the X1 that is even remotely close to TLOU:R, which makes me curious.

Otherwise, his statement would just be simply wrong in an objective sense.

DrDoomz said:
AZWification said:
DrDoomz said:

Just out of curiousity, what game out for the X1, so far, even comes close to TLOU:R?

So, the PS4's best game is a remaster? M'kay!

Didn't answer my question. So I take it, none? M'kay.

I agre with you that TLOU:R is better that all x1 exclusives but it is still an opinion and cant be used as argument in wich has the best games. 

AZWilficaton: It might be just a remaster, but the best game coming for x1 is also a remaster, acctually worse, a remaster of a remaster.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.