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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

In 2013 we had:

Killer Instinct, Forza 5, Dead Rising 3, Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood, Assassins Creed 4, Xbox Fitness, Call of Duty Ghosts, Madden, Fifa, other smaller titles, Indies etc.


This year we have:

Titanfall, Plants vs Zombies, Watchdogs, Madden, Fifa, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive, Halo:The Masterchief Collection, Forza Horizons 2, Project Spark, Assassins Creed Unity, GTA5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Dance Evolution, more sports titles, other smaller titles, far more Indies etc.

Edit: I forgot Mincraft, Tomb Raider, UFC, Diablo 3. All great games

Edit: Exclusive demos!


What we know is coming next year:

Quantum Break, Batman, Evolve, Halo 5, Fable Legends, Crackdown, yearly titles.

Edit: I forgot The Witcher 3 (how could I?)

Edit 2: Rise of the Tomb Raider!


Still waiting for Gears of War 4 or a Gears Collection hopefully next year!

Xbox One has so many exclusive titles and things are looking great for the system. Xbox One is beasting homies

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Stop it.

- Moderated, Carl.

When the mod note is longer than the post, you know you're doing it wrong.

True. I think Xbox One owners should be very happy so far.

Edit: Just report the people who have nothing else to do but to post stuff like below and above my post. They see your thread as a Xbox One > PS4 (even if it is not) and do not even want/let people talk about their console of choice without ruining every threads. They seem to have fun/being happy only when the other fan base is unhappy, not when they console/games is doing well...


-Mr Khan

For once i agree with you toastboy. Ive never been happier with a launch console.

Lots of stuff coming this year like Ori the Blind Forest, Project Spark, Killer Instinct Season 2 Sunset Overdrive, MCC, forza Horizon, etc

Lots i have bought like Forza 5, Killer Instinct, TitanFall, Ryse, Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, as well as others

Also lots im looking forward to next year and in the future like Halo 5, Quantum Break, Scalebound, Phantom Dust, Gears of War, Killer Instinct Season 3, and hopefully Banjo or COnker.

Plus all the multiplats like Destiny, Evolve, etc is icing on the cake. Fantastic console and i couldnt be happier with it......well that isnt true, i still want banjo or conker ;P


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Raziel123 said:

This is never getting old..

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

I love these joke threads like this:)

- Moderated, Carl

A lot of people are just going to say no to this, even though it's pretty much true...

Raziel123 said:

I like this :D. What does it mean in relation to this thread, though?

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one

Also very interesting how X1 is apparently so lacking in games that multiplats now count as exclusives;)