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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

Imaginedvl said:

The games could be on PC, PS4, WiiU it will will not change a thing. 

I rest my case, this says it all about it's not "beasting" at all. And i'll just stop here.

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It has been an amazing beginning indeed, I am so looking forward to this fall with Horizon and MCC, good times to be a gamer!

AZWification said:
DrDoomz said:

Didn't answer my question. So I take it, none? M'kay.

Whatever. Enjoy your remaster of a 2013 game, buddy!

and X1 big holiday title is remaster of far far older games buddy  

As far as op beasting lol, if i wasent a car nut and F5 id have no use for the X1. 

DrDoomz said:
JayWood2010 said:

Not the point. His exact statement was " The X1, so far, has a better library of games than the PS4!". TLOU:R is within the current library of the PS4 (as much as some ppl would like to downplay that fact), so he must think that there is a game currently out on the X1 that is even remotely close to TLOU:R, which makes me curious.

Otherwise, his statement would just be simply wrong in an objective sense.

Im pretty sure he is talking about in terms of libraries rather than a single game.  And to be completely honest most people are going to ignore TLoU and consider it more for PS3 than PS4 because it is only a year old and most people played it on PS3 rather than PS4.  


JayWood2010 said:
Raziel123 said:

People who've played games from both will disagree. "Come at me bro".

I own both ;) For some reason i have a feeling you dont though....

Was just about to say this

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eva01beserk said:

I agre with you that TLOU:R is better that all x1 exclusives but it is still an opinion and cant be used as argument in wich has the best games. 

AZWilficaton: It might be just a remaster, but the best game coming for x1 is also a remaster, acctually worse, a remaster of a remaster.

Wasn't making an argument. It was a call to present evidences to support his opinion. Being as that he made the claim, I think it was simply reasonable of me to ask why he thinks that way. Like I said, was simply curious.

DrDoomz said:
JayWood2010 said:
DrDoomz said:

Didn't answer my question. So I take it, none? M'kay.

I own TLoU on PS3 so there was no reason for me to buy it on PS4 but ill say coming this holiday MCC easily.  No better package of content in video games.

Though this whole who has better games will always end with opinions rather than facts.  

Not the point. His exact statement was " The X1, so far, has a better library of games than the PS4!". TLOU:R is within the current library of the PS4 (as much as some ppl would like to downplay that fact), so he must think that there is a game currently out on the X1 that is even remotely close to TLOU:R, which makes me curious.

Otherwise, his statement would just be simply wrong in an objective sense.

Well it is a matter of oppinion, not objectivity actually. Also what are we talking about, graphics, gameplay? Graphics wise, Ryse would be better looking, IMO... Gameplay wise, well I do not really know, for a lot of people Titanfall/COD will be better, for others those games will suck (because they do not like FPS for instance). 

So at the end it is a matter of oppinion and preferences.  

I have family members and a crap ton of friends with Xbox Ones. I only know like one person with a PS4. Microsoft does have an impressive line up and hoping they keep going down that road.

JayWood2010 said:
DrDoomz said:
JayWood2010 said:

Not the point. His exact statement was " The X1, so far, has a better library of games than the PS4!". TLOU:R is within the current library of the PS4 (as much as some ppl would like to downplay that fact), so he must think that there is a game currently out on the X1 that is even remotely close to TLOU:R, which makes me curious.

Otherwise, his statement would just be simply wrong in an objective sense.

Im pretty sure he is talking about in terms of libraries rather than a single game.  And to be completely honest most people are going to ignore TLoU and consider it more for PS3 than PS4 because it is only a year old and most people played it on PS3 rather than PS4.  

You could ignore it if you like(and please don't speak for "most people" unless you have a source proving this claim), doesn't make you right. It's a part of the PS4 library whether you want to accept it or not.

Alt Removed - Carl