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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Top 10 things I want to see from Metroid Wii U.

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pkmnMasterWheeeIer said:
I approve of this list, I think you just explained my perfect Metroid game right there.

Also dun get why people think its too different, it seems pretty much like you mix Prime and Fusion make it creepy and give it a good story. Only thing all that different would be the open world and cities/colonies, which isn't really enough to merit a new IP

Thanks haha. I don't really think it's that different at all. Feels like a natural evolution to me. Especially the open world.

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Raziel123 said:

Has its development been confirmed?


OT: I agree with some of the things on the list, although I can't say I support going for all of this on the very next Metroid game. After the screw up that Other M was, Metroid needs to absolutely nail the next title, and trying to go for a back to basics exploration atmospheric old Metroidy style game, while simultaneously focusing on voice acting and creating a city type world for Samus to explore, AND making functional online multiplayer, AND trying to balance gameplay segments switching between the zero suit and power suit sounds like WAY too much for a game that will most likely be about redeeming the series for the majority of the series' fanbase. Trying to cram all of this into the next game, and have it work as well, is a recipe for disaster.

Think of it this way; the next Metroid game will likely be the Dual Destinies of the Metroid series to follow the Apollo Justice that was Other M, if Apollo Justice had ruined all of its characters and completely forgotten what kind of a game it was supposed to be. You can't expect all of this from a game that will likely be spending most of its time picking up the pieces from the previous failures.

As a wishlist for the future of the Metroid series, I don't have many complaints; I personally preferred reading the lores in Prime to having them spoken to me in games like Bioshock, but I guess that's preference. As a wishlist for the next game in the series, I vehemently disagree with the majority of this. Metroid needs to take a game, focus entirely on the "Metroid-esque" elements that have made it the success it's been pre-Other M, and then, if it shows it still can do that well, we can move on to adding other things, like multiplayer or adding an optional city exploration element. Until it recovers from Other M, though, I will be completely opposed to any development being spent on something besides the core Metroid experience, so to speak.

MTZehvor said:


OT: I agree with some of the things on the list, although I can't say I support going for all of this on the very next Metroid game. After the screw up that Other M was, Metroid needs to absolutely nail the next title, and trying to go for a back to basics exploration atmospheric old Metroidy style game, while simultaneously focusing on voice acting and creating a city type world for Samus to explore, AND making functional online multiplayer, AND trying to balance gameplay segments switching between the zero suit and power suit sounds like WAY too much for a game that will most likely be about redeeming the series for the majority of the series' fanbase. Trying to cram all of this into the next game, and have it work as well, is a recipe for disaster.

Think of it this way; the next Metroid game will likely be the Dual Destinies of the Metroid series to follow the Apollo Justice that was Other M, if Apollo Justice had ruined all of its characters and completely forgotten what kind of a game it was supposed to be. You can't expect all of this from a game that will likely be spending most of its time picking up the pieces from the previous failures.

As a wishlist for the future of the Metroid series, I don't have many complaints; I personally preferred reading the lores in Prime to having them spoken to me in games like Bioshock, but I guess that's preference. As a wishlist for the next game in the series, I vehemently disagree with the majority of this. Metroid needs to take a game, focus entirely on the "Metroid-esque" elements that have made it the success it's been pre-Other M, and then, if it shows it still can do that well, we can move on to adding other things, like multiplayer or adding an optional city exploration element. Until it recovers from Other M, though, I will be completely opposed to any development being spent on something besides the core Metroid experience, so to speak.

I completely disagree. I think that if all the next Metroid does is play it safe and try to replicate past success, it'll be as much of a failure as Twilight Princess. There's no reason they can't get all of this right the first time. They just need to take the right steps. If all we get is Prime HD, I'll be extremely pissed.

OP, talk to me about cities, because I disagree with your vision here. I don't want any hub city, optional or not. I don't want any side quests and I don't want many NPCs. If I see no one but enemies in the entire game, I wouldn't complain. So, talk to me about what you are thinking here...

sundin13 said:
OP, talk to me about cities, because I disagree with your vision here. I don't want any hub city, optional or not. I don't want any side quests and I don't want many NPCs. If I see no one but enemies in the entire game, I wouldn't complain. So, talk to me about what you are thinking here...

Sure. Basically, what I'm talking about is a place Samus can explore that is populated with others. The best was I can describe it is the pub in star wars where luke meets Han for the first time. It does have to be as big or complex as a city in GTA or something. Maybe Samus visits the city because there's reason to believe that there is a nest of Metroid larvae, and the entire city is at risk. Whatever, I just think that Samus is much closer to Boba Fett than people give her credit for, and a city of fugatives giving her bounties to hunt would be a cool way to explore that side of her.

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spemanig said:
sundin13 said:
OP, talk to me about cities, because I disagree with your vision here. I don't want any hub city, optional or not. I don't want any side quests and I don't want many NPCs. If I see no one but enemies in the entire game, I wouldn't complain. So, talk to me about what you are thinking here...

Sure. Basically, what I'm talking about is a place Samus can explore that is populated with others. The best was I can describe it is the pub in star wars where luke meets Han for the first time. It does have to be as big or complex as a city in GTA or something. Maybe Samus visits the city because there's reason to believe that there is a nest of Metroid larvae, and the entire city is at risk. Whatever, I just think that Samus is much closer to Boba Fett than people give her credit for, and a city of fugatives giving her bounties to hunt would be a cool way to explore that side of her.

I reaaaally don't want to see side-quests like that in metroid games, which is one of the reasons I'm tentative about cities. Cities tend to be hubs, and hubs don't belong in the metroid series. Hubs are places where you buy weapons and armor and talk to NPCs and get quests...none of those things should be in this game. I think they could pull off a city where you have to run through the city chasing or hunting something down, but you shouldn't be able to relax at any moment (Look at the gameplay for Prey 2, without all the annoying stuff before the chase and think perhaps you get led into a space pirate hive or a lab or something and you have to explore it to find the guy who got away. I get the comparison with Star Wars, but in a game about isolation, it doesn't make sense, unless you are isolated from the city itself when you are in the city.

Also, when I think of cities in games, I think of the Citadel from ME1 and I absolutely hated that city so I'm a bit gunshy.

spemanig said:
sundin13 said:
OP, talk to me about cities, because I disagree with your vision here. I don't want any hub city, optional or not. I don't want any side quests and I don't want many NPCs. If I see no one but enemies in the entire game, I wouldn't complain. So, talk to me about what you are thinking here...

Sure. Basically, what I'm talking about is a place Samus can explore that is populated with others. The best was I can describe it is the pub in star wars where luke meets Han for the first time. It does have to be as big or complex as a city in GTA or something. Maybe Samus visits the city because there's reason to believe that there is a nest of Metroid larvae, and the entire city is at risk. Whatever, I just think that Samus is much closer to Boba Fett than people give her credit for, and a city of fugatives giving her bounties to hunt would be a cool way to explore that side of her.

You are thinking about turning Metroid into Mass Effect. No. Other people? Bounties? Cities? Exploring Samus persona? Metroid ain't no RPG.

supafly said:

You are thinking about turning Metroid into Mass Effect. No. Other people? Bounties? Cities? Exploring Samus persona? Metroid ain't no RPG.

What I'm describing is absolutely nothing like Mass Effect. I don't even like Mass Effect. 

sundin13 said:

I reaaaally don't want to see side-quests like that in metroid games, which is one of the reasons I'm tentative about cities. Cities tend to be hubs, and hubs don't belong in the metroid series. Hubs are places where you buy weapons and armor and talk to NPCs and get quests...none of those things should be in this game. I think they could pull off a city where you have to run through the city chasing or hunting something down, but you shouldn't be able to relax at any moment (Look at the gameplay for Prey 2, without all the annoying stuff before the chase and think perhaps you get led into a space pirate hive or a lab or something and you have to explore it to find the guy who got away. I get the comparison with Star Wars, but in a game about isolation, it doesn't make sense, unless you are isolated from the city itself when you are in the city.

Also, when I think of cities in games, I think of the Citadel from ME1 and I absolutely hated that city so I'm a bit gunshy.

Just because the core of the game is about isolation, doesn't mean every bit of it has to exude isolation. Just like with Alien, there are other people in the universe. She should be able to interact with them. I'm not talking about turning Metroid into an RPG. You wouldn't get weapons or armor there. Just having a city. That's all. I see no problem with it, especially if it's optional and it fits the tone of the Metroid universe.

spemanig said:
supafly said:

You are thinking about turning Metroid into Mass Effect. No. Other people? Bounties? Cities? Exploring Samus persona? Metroid ain't no RPG.

What I'm describing is absolutely nothing like Mass Effect. I don't even like Mass Effect. 

At this point i don't even think you know what you're describing