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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft CEO Nadella: don't confuse Xbox with company's "core"

Soundwave said:

It can change, but you severely underestimate the mountains of cash MS has. 

This is a frivilious expense for them that has nice branding perks for them. It's like a billionaire that buys a pro sports team ... he's not buying it expecting it to be as profitable as his main businesses, it's a vanity thing in a lot of ways.

A vanity project requires prestige to attach to it. Serious question, and I'm being 100% serious here: do you really believe videogames are considered prestigious in the business world?

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loy310 said:
Game media is just selective with his comments. But in reality the whole context of what he is say is entirely different than what's being feed to us.

Ahhh, somebody who actually read the whole damn memo instead of the selective pieces that some no named website decided to take out to support there blog hits.  Really seems like there are a lot of sheep in this world.  Always willing to be fed information but never taking the time to actually research that info before making or forming an opinion.  I guess its too much work and people love being led.

Machiavellian said:
loy310 said:
Game media is just selective with his comments. But in reality the whole context of what he is say is entirely different than what's being feed to us.

Ahhh, somebody who actually read the whole damn memo instead of the selective pieces that some no named website decided to take out to support there blog hits.  Really seems like there are a lot of sheep in this world.  Always willing to be fed information but never taking the time to actually research that info before making or forming an opinion.  I guess its too much work and people love being led.

The context doesn't matter.

To say they are distancing it from the core, rather then saying they are focusing on thier core and simply omitting the mention of Xbox, he's harming the brand. As a gamer, this is anything but comforting. As an investor, it only furthers the case to drop it. 

As far as games are concerned, Xbox out prioritizes Microsoft.

It's funny many of those who claim PlayStation would be fine without Sony (not saying it was you but instead making a general claim), are now defending Microsoft at the cost of Xbox. So much for consistency.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Thought this was common knowledge.

MS's main income comes from OS and Office sales. Also cloud is increasing its relevance.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Xbox isnt exactly a big earner for them in comparison to other things. Its a drop in the ocean. This comes as no surprise.

It will remain a big focus for them as a company, but its never going to be at the forefront of the company. Microsoft is so much bigger than Xbox.


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CGI-Quality said:
Mad55 said:
CGI-Quality said:

Microsoft has always had more cash reserves than Sony, thus, that matters none in regards to this situation. Whether or not the Xbox brand is on its way out is not something I think we can determine from this chatter, but one thing looks certain - some big changes are coming.

I don't see it like that at all. Lol why do you think that?

Why would I think that changes are coming? Have you not been keeping up?

Yea, thats exactly why I asked the question. Your probably reading to much into the little stuff. 

Burek said:
kowenicki said:
Way to spin this negatively. Did any of you actually read his full email to employees? Stop reaching fellas.

Yes, I'm pretty sure some 6.000+ employees will cherish his e-mail forever.

12000 actually 

”The environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry” (Jack Tretton, 2009)

kowenicki said:
Burek said:
kowenicki said:
Way to spin this negatively. Did any of you actually read his full email to employees? Stop reaching fellas.

Yes, I'm pretty sure some 6.000+ employees will cherish his e-mail forever.

12000 actually 

unknown actually.

and as they have just taken on 30,000 from nokia... hardly surprising.

could be worse, could be one of the 35,000 fired from Sony since 2008.

who knows 

12000 today more 12000 tomorrow.

im actually very concern. the way the xbox division is doing maybe they will have to sell it.

i heard amazon wants to buy it is tht true?

”The environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry” (Jack Tretton, 2009)

Normchacho said:
Yikes... That's an awfully negative statement...

Actually, taken in context, no it isn't.

If you read the article, the context is given.

Microsoft's core business is business productivity.  The "digital life" segment of the business is outside of that core business. 

The core business for BMW is 4-wheel based transportation, cars and SUVs.  However, BMW has a segment of their business that produces motorcycles.  They're good at building motorcycles, but they're better at building cars.

Microsoft needs Xbox if it wants to succeed in the digital life segment, but Microsoft may have to reduce redunant jobs.  Especially with the aquisition of Nokia's mobile phone business.  I'm not sure how that's negative.

kowenicki said:

gtfo with your common sense and logical thinking.  How dare you!!!???  This is VGC!!

My name is Sisyphus.