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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is the PS4 Pulling a Wii??

Justagamer said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
PS4 isn't the Wii

It will outsell the Wii with longevity

It will also handedly outsell both the One & Wii U combined

Ps4 will outsell the wii with longevity? Just like the ps3 did, right?.... right.

Considering the fact that the PS4 is outselling the PS3 by a huge margin I'd say it should be painfully obvious conclusion. The Wii outsold the PS3 by less than 20 million units and I can not fathom how anybody could expect the PS4 to fail to outsell the PS3 by a greater margin. Sony would really need to buckle down and commit to failure for the PS4 to fail to outsell the Wii.

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bouzane said:

Considering the fact that the PS4 is outselling the PS3 by a huge margin I'd say it should be painfully obvious conclusion. The Wii outsold the PS3 by less than 20 million units and I can not fathom how anybody could expect the PS4 to fail to outsell the PS3 by a greater margin. Sony would really need to buckle down and commit to failure for the PS4 to fail to outsell the Wii.

Quote of the month.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

bouzane said:
Justagamer said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
PS4 isn't the Wii

It will outsell the Wii with longevity

It will also handedly outsell both the One & Wii U combined

Ps4 will outsell the wii with longevity? Just like the ps3 did, right?.... right.

Considering the fact that the PS4 is outselling the PS3 by a huge margin I'd say it should be painfully obvious conclusion. The Wii outsold the PS3 by less than 20 million units and I can not fathom how anybody could expect the PS4 to fail to outsell the PS3 by a greater margin. Sony would really need to buckle down and commit to failure for the PS4 to fail to outsell the Wii.

Well, these are different times, for one. And after the ps4 hot start, it has fizzled quite hard, aside from any excuses you or anybody wants to come up with, less than 100k per week is weak. I think it will do well, I just don't follow the 100 million mentality. This Gen will be shorter, no doubt in my mind. And sony doesn't need to commit to its failure, the public will decide that. I don't think selling less or equal to the ps3 a failure, you may, but I dont. I think it will be a great success, for this generation.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

"As I`ve stated you will not get your links as it is a simple google. You seem to take this very seriously......." Refuses to provide evidence while simultaneously claiming evidence is easy to obtain. <- contradiction

First off, learn to trim the tree or else you`ll be the one receiving a warning or ban :)

No, I believe that your whole response to my orginal post clearly falls into your option 3 category. 

I did say goodday but you continued to respond therefore of course I could not resist as I was annoyed and now amused.


So first you respond with: "Despite this meaningless dribble"

and then post the following four statements.....

"Clearly you proved my point as to why I would not waste my time engaging you in any formal discussion/debate.

Your contradicting statements alone truly portrayed your character, especially the fact that you ran to the mods to report me, which was rather amusing.

Regardless, it's my own fault for wasting my time even providing you a response and allowing myself to be annoyed.

So with that I say, good day."

I did not engage you in an actual formal debate, this whole back and forth is mere bickering, especially on your behalf.

As for these lies:

"First you claim you argued sematics, then you claimed you didn't argue at all, it seems these responses your providing are all over the place. I`m not understanding where this reasoning is coming from

Please refer to your posts as this statement was correct. I`ve posted your comments in quotations but by all means continue to ignore them.

Refuses to provide evidence while simultaneously claiming evidence is easy to obtain. <- contradiction

That`s incorrect, I advised you earlier that there was no point in engaging you in any formal debate as you`ve proven quite clearly throughout this thread that it was pointless (examples provided are bolded below).

Silly you thinking you had a valid points to claim I contradicted myself...........

"I won't inquire any further, but only because subjecting you that amount of scruntiny would be unwarranted

 " Scrutiny, is not an argument, there is no merit to held by it"

"Those links you posted are opinions about scrutiny, judging the situations in which it is acceptable".

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!


Quote Tree Shortened - Conegamer

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

Justagamer said:
bouzane said:
Justagamer said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
PS4 isn't the Wii

It will outsell the Wii with longevity

It will also handedly outsell both the One & Wii U combined

Ps4 will outsell the wii with longevity? Just like the ps3 did, right?.... right.

Considering the fact that the PS4 is outselling the PS3 by a huge margin I'd say it should be painfully obvious conclusion. The Wii outsold the PS3 by less than 20 million units and I can not fathom how anybody could expect the PS4 to fail to outsell the PS3 by a greater margin. Sony would really need to buckle down and commit to failure for the PS4 to fail to outsell the Wii.

Well, these are different times, for one. And after the ps4 hot start, it has fizzled quite hard, aside from any excuses you or anybody wants to come up with, less than 100k per week is weak. I think it will do well, I just don't follow the 100 million mentality. This Gen will be shorter, no doubt in my mind. And sony doesn't need to commit to its failure, the public will decide that. I don't think selling less or equal to the ps3 a failure, you may, but I dont. I think it will be a great success, for this generation.

"This Gen will be shorter, no doubt in my mind."

This is based on what exactly?

Also, who cares if it is selling less 100k a week in the middle of July? That's not bad considering at all the competitions' price cut / major release while Sony does absolutly nothing to push the PS4. Don't compare the PS4's sales trejectory with the Wii's, that is completely assinine. Compare the PS4 to the PS3.

Around the Network
Justagamer said:

Ps4 will outsell the wii with longevity? Just like the ps3 did, right?.... right.

The PS3 had so much going against it and still sold 80 Million. Plus, it's still $250 new, which was the Wii launch price. I actually wouldn't be totally surprised if the PS3 crawled past it.

Anyway, PS4 does everything right. I don't see why it wouldn't outsell the Wii.

why does everyone look to the Wii as the real console to beat is the PS2, as long as the PS4 has support from Sony it'll carry on shifting in big numbers, these troll/flame bait threads are becoming a bore, it was bad enough 8 years ago but now it's just getting tiresome.

Current PC build:

Asus Z97I-Plus, i5 4790K @ 4.6ghz, EVGA GTX 980 ACX 2.0 1377/1853/124%, Corsair Vengence Pro 2400mhz 2x 8192mb, Corsair RM850, Corsair H80i, 120GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD, 750GB Seagate Momentus XT SSHD, 320GB Weston Digital HDD, Corsair 230T, Corsair K50 Raptor, HP XQ500AA mouse, Windows 10 Pro 64bit. iiyama Pro Lite G2773HS 120Hz 1Ms G2G gaming monitor.

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!

“Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.” 


Quote Tree Shortened -and user moderated  Conegamer

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Guys, keep things nice and calm please. Next bait/flaming comment or similar will be banned. Similarly the next needlessly long quote tree will be banned.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Nonsequitor, irrelevant, and since you've flamed me at least twice, you are on much worse standing then I.

I received my ban and not cutting the quote tree is quite relevant, please refer to forum rules

 You can believe whatever you want, but you can't change my first post, which renders your entire attempt to invalidate me a moot point.

In you opinion, which is incorrect. Invalidating your argument is quite simple when addressing the points you contradicted.

I gave you 3 options, you choose the worst option, just like you refuse to give evidence.

I provided you with evidence and even advised you to google what I had stated as you were well aware that due to the nature of your posts in this & previous threads, that I would not waste my time in a formal debate.

Argues further despite, previously claiming to be done with the argument, if this was an actual formal debate, you would have lost before I even asked you to provide evidence.

This is not a formal debate as stated previously and if it was I would had provided reference. One can not have a debate with someone who constantly contradicts and then lies about what they said, even when provided with evidence.

I don't have to because you're wrong. There is no way you can spin this.

I am not wrong, I have proven this to be correct but nice attempt

Ad-Hominem attack that is irrelevant to the claim. If you aren't aware, an ad-hominem attack is one that attempts disregard an argument based on unrelated facts or in your case opinions. Says their is no point to engaging me in formal debate, despite doing just that, still refuses to give evidence.

And another thing, there is no point to engaging in any formal debate with me IF YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN A FORMAL DEBATE YOURSELF, EVEN A CHILD KNOWS HOW TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE, TO FAIL AT THIS BASIC TASK, completely invalidates any formality in your argument to begin with, these aren't facts these are opinions, your meaningless opinions, that may as well be read on the street corner along with those chanting "The End is Nigh"

I am well aware of the dictionary definition and I had already provided you with an accurate response as to how you were using a link in the form of trying to attack my character instead of actually providing an intelligent response or refuting what my opinion was of ltd sales not reaching 100 mill (for each console seperately).

I find it wildly amusing that you claim my opinions are meaningless. You are aware that they are backed up with facts and it seems that you are getting angry because i asked you to google what I have stated. It seems that you are taking the childish route in this manner as there is no need for bold as it does not bring any MERIT to what you are claiming.  

Scrutiny is a measure of examination, not an argument. To say that my scrutiny doesn't hold merit is similar to saying that an Apple cannot drive. It might be true but it is not possible for an apple, the fruit not the brand lest you be confused, to drive. It is an idiotic statement, made by someone who does not understand what an apple is or in your case, Scrutiny.

How many times do you have to be proven wrong on this is just sad that instead of admitting that you were wrong. What you have stated is illogical and fails to address the fact that Scrutiny can or cannot hold merit. Trying to be stealthy in your insults does not vaildate your response either.  

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!

“Honestly, if you were any slower, you’d be going backward.” 

Now now, if you are going to insult me at least post it without hiding what your claiming!

I will not be rude unlike your statement, instead I will just post this factual meme.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"