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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

"As I`ve stated you will not get your links as it is a simple google. You seem to take this very seriously......." Refuses to provide evidence while simultaneously claiming evidence is easy to obtain. <- contradiction

First off, learn to trim the tree or else you`ll be the one receiving a warning or ban :)

No, I believe that your whole response to my orginal post clearly falls into your option 3 category. 

I did say goodday but you continued to respond therefore of course I could not resist as I was annoyed and now amused.


So first you respond with: "Despite this meaningless dribble"

and then post the following four statements.....

"Clearly you proved my point as to why I would not waste my time engaging you in any formal discussion/debate.

Your contradicting statements alone truly portrayed your character, especially the fact that you ran to the mods to report me, which was rather amusing.

Regardless, it's my own fault for wasting my time even providing you a response and allowing myself to be annoyed.

So with that I say, good day."

I did not engage you in an actual formal debate, this whole back and forth is mere bickering, especially on your behalf.

As for these lies:

"First you claim you argued sematics, then you claimed you didn't argue at all, it seems these responses your providing are all over the place. I`m not understanding where this reasoning is coming from

Please refer to your posts as this statement was correct. I`ve posted your comments in quotations but by all means continue to ignore them.

Refuses to provide evidence while simultaneously claiming evidence is easy to obtain. <- contradiction

That`s incorrect, I advised you earlier that there was no point in engaging you in any formal debate as you`ve proven quite clearly throughout this thread that it was pointless (examples provided are bolded below).

Silly you thinking you had a valid points to claim I contradicted myself...........

"I won't inquire any further, but only because subjecting you that amount of scruntiny would be unwarranted

 " Scrutiny, is not an argument, there is no merit to held by it"

"Those links you posted are opinions about scrutiny, judging the situations in which it is acceptable".

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!


Quote Tree Shortened - Conegamer

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"