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bouzane said:
Justagamer said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
PS4 isn't the Wii

It will outsell the Wii with longevity

It will also handedly outsell both the One & Wii U combined

Ps4 will outsell the wii with longevity? Just like the ps3 did, right?.... right.

Considering the fact that the PS4 is outselling the PS3 by a huge margin I'd say it should be painfully obvious conclusion. The Wii outsold the PS3 by less than 20 million units and I can not fathom how anybody could expect the PS4 to fail to outsell the PS3 by a greater margin. Sony would really need to buckle down and commit to failure for the PS4 to fail to outsell the Wii.

Well, these are different times, for one. And after the ps4 hot start, it has fizzled quite hard, aside from any excuses you or anybody wants to come up with, less than 100k per week is weak. I think it will do well, I just don't follow the 100 million mentality. This Gen will be shorter, no doubt in my mind. And sony doesn't need to commit to its failure, the public will decide that. I don't think selling less or equal to the ps3 a failure, you may, but I dont. I think it will be a great success, for this generation.