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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is the PS4 Pulling a Wii??

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

You can scrutinize to your hearts content. The fact that you believe your scrutiny would hold any merit is why my grandiose comments I made earlier are applicable.

Since this an informal setting, you can claim whatever you want. But since this is also a public forum, expect at the very least to have evidence provided when its asked for.

The only reason, I haven't pursued this matter any further, is because you stated that the evidence was readily avaliable but to numerous too provide, and I gave you benefit of the doubt.

However, you do not seem to understand basic terms so allow me to use google:

  1. critical observation or examination.
    "every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny"
    synonyms: examinationinspectionsurveystudyperusalMore

Scrutiny, is not an argument, there is no merit to held by it, it is only a description of what I was doing to your argument, that is placing it under critcal observation or examination because you have no evidence.

In hindsight, perhaps I went over your head. At the same time, this dicussion wouldn't need to be had if you would simply provide evidence. Furthermore, you cannot ask me to search for the evidence yourself because the burden of proof is on you to explain your statements.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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I stand by my predictions I made in months old threads. PS4 will be lucky to sell 70 million. I made that prediction months ago on a thread predicting it would sell around PS2 levels or at least Wii levels. I'm probably going to get more flack for this post but lets see how it looks after christmas.  Keeping in mind that it needs to sell 1-2 million units a  week during the christmas season to pull Wii levels alone.  Even more really since the Wii had a 6 year cycle to get the sales it did.  

DarkD said:

I stand by my predictions I made in months old threads. PS4 will be lucky to sell 70 million. I made that prediction months ago on a thread predicting it would sell around PS2 levels or at least Wii levels. I'm probably going to get more flack for this post but lets see how it looks after christmas.  Keeping in mind that it needs to sell 1-2 million units a  week during the christmas season to pull Wii levels alone.  Even more really since the Wii had a 6 year cycle to get the sales it did.  

Why does it need pull Wii levels to sell at least 70 million? 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank



I remember when Wii first sold out the way it did, everybody thought it was going to sell 300 million.

In short, no.

Around the Network

Ps4 will sell more than wii lifetime. Wii was fad that had it's huge run then faded real quick. Once ps4 has games it'll selling loads.

It's too soon to say that it's pulling a Wii...

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Nirvana_Nut85 said:

You can scrutinize to your hearts content. The fact that you believe your scrutiny would hold any merit is why my grandiose comments I made earlier are applicable.

Since this an informal setting, you can claim whatever you want. But since this is also a public forum, expect at the very least to have evidence provided when its asked for.

The only reason, I haven't pursued this matter any further, is because you stated that the evidence was readily avaliable but to numerous too provide, and I gave you benefit of the doubt.

However, you do not seem to understand basic terms so allow me to use google:

  1. critical observation or examination.
    "every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny"
    synonyms: examinationinspectionsurveystudyperusalMore

Scrutiny, is not an argument, there is no merit to held by it, it is only a description of what I was doing to your argument, that is placing it under critcal observation or examination because you have no evidence.

In hindsight, perhaps I went over your head. At the same time, this dicussion wouldn't need to be had if you would simply provide evidence. Furthermore, you cannot ask me to search for the evidence yourself because the burden of proof is on you to explain your statements.

Seems like you have a hard on for copying and pasting definitions to use as filler as you fail to provide an intelligent response.

I truly find the over my head comment amusing, considering what you've stated as scrutiny not being able to hold merit, which , is possibly the most absurd thing I've heard today and while I can provide my opinion about your scrutiny having no value whatsoever for this one I will provide links (you can argue with the writers of the following headlines)

I can keep going but either there is a long list of people who "do not seem to understand basic terms" or clearly your wrong. I'm going with the latter.

Back to the links matter. I've argued with enough i...... to know when my time is being wasted. I can post numerous links to each one of my arguments and give a well thought reasonable debate and it will be pointless because you seem like the type that, even though the sky is blue, if you wanted it to be grey you would argue and avoid all facts. 

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
DarkD said:

I stand by my predictions I made in months old threads. PS4 will be lucky to sell 70 million. I made that prediction months ago on a thread predicting it would sell around PS2 levels or at least Wii levels. I'm probably going to get more flack for this post but lets see how it looks after christmas.  Keeping in mind that it needs to sell 1-2 million units a  week during the christmas season to pull Wii levels alone.  Even more really since the Wii had a 6 year cycle to get the sales it did.  

Why does it need pull Wii levels to sell at least 70 million? 

Wii was sold for 6 years, assuming we're going back to the 4 year cycle it needs to make up for those 2 years.  In all honesty if the Wii did have a 4 year cycle then (without looking it up) I assume it would have sold around 70-80 million.  Which is what I'm predicting.  If it sells Wii levels, it can hit that level, if not then sales could be even worse than my prediction.  

NavyNut said:
PS4 is dead, WiiU will dominate the market from this point on, xbone is the new atari.

Hahaha, I almost thought for a second that you were being serious with that post!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---