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Forums - Sony Discussion - "I don't get the point of TLOU Remastered"

prayformojo said:
KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:
I'm old enough to remember when Nintendo, Sony and MS didn't even RELEASE remakes. Yes, that's right kids. There was a time when every game that was released was brand new. Crazy aint it?

Yeah, and not true.

Yeah, and very true. When the NES first launched, all of the major first party titles were new to consoles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Mike Tysons PO etc.) None of them were Atari 2600 remakes.

The PS4 is still in its first year!


  • Metroid was released over 3 years after NES launch
  • Zelda, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punch Out were released over 4 years after NES launch
  • Kirby was released nearly 10 years after NES launch
So which games were really released in the first NES years? Ports from arcade machines! These games weren't new, most of them were years old: Donkey Kong, DK Jr., Popeye, Mario Bros., Galaxian, Pac-Man, Lode Runner (ported from C64), Wild Gunman...


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sales2099 said:

See the thing is that Wind Waker is what, 10 years old? It makes sense to revive it. GTA5, the graphics upgrade to the entire sandbox warrants an automatic necessity. It would be a damn shame not to have the game be prettier if we had the option.

LOU just screams "too soon". Its in demand, because Naughty Dog has a very loyal following that is just happy to throw money at them. That said, it's the principle of the matter. Seems like its creation is for the purpose to pay ND bills.

Again with the completely arbitrary reasons for why GTA V is ok but TLOU is not. So because GTA is a sandbox game, it would be a shame to not have the game be prettier, but because TLOU isn't, it's just too soon?

You've been reaching very far on your journey to downplay everything PS before, but this is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Get it together man, you used to be creative, but this is just embarassing.

I don't know about paying $50 for the remaster, seeing as how I pre-ordered the original for $60, but... as is the case with most of my favorite games over the years, I do like to see updated versions utilizing the latest hardware.

I like PS2 remastered games, assuming players get a 16:9 aspect ratio, higher resolution, smoother frame rates, modest updates in visual resources and effects are appreciated, but not necessary. I prefer them to BC on the original PS3 units.

I've bought plenty of re-released favorites over the years and would like to see even more, if not all of my old favorites remastered even though I have all those old games and the hardware to play them on. In storage. I'd much rather play them on the console I currently have plugged in and I would much rather have only one or two consoles plugged in at a time.

So, that's the point. I get it, and eventually I'll get a copy of the TLOU remaster, but I'm in no rush.

KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:
KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:
I'm old enough to remember when Nintendo, Sony and MS didn't even RELEASE remakes. Yes, that's right kids. There was a time when every game that was released was brand new. Crazy aint it?

Yeah, and not true.

Yeah, and very true. When the NES first launched, all of the major first party titles were new to consoles (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Mike Tysons PO etc.) None of them were Atari 2600 remakes.

When the PS1 first launched, all of the major first and third party games were new to consoles (MGS,RE, Twisted Metal, Syphon Filter, FF7-9, Castlevania SOTN etc.) None of them were SNES remakes

When the PS2 launched, all of the major first and third party games were new to consoles (GTA3, GT3, ZOE, FFX, Ratchet, Sly, Jak, SOCOM, MGS2) None of them were PS1 remakes.

Believe it or not, companies use believed in releasing either brand new franchises or entries of old franchises. Maybe that's because today's kids are online begging for old games to get upresed and re-released instead of demanding new games. Just take a look at every thread that asked which Zelda should be next. Half will be "MM!!!! OMG!!! IT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!"

The NES had Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr., Mario Bros, Kung-Fu and Popeye. All arcade games.

Try harder lol

prayformojo said:

Notice how I said "were new to consoles."

Well Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr. and Mario Bros. werent new to consoles. They were on the Atari 2600 and several other consoles before the NES.

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DerNebel said:

I've been seeing comments like this going around quite alot pretty much since the reveal of said remaster, so I thought I'd just make it clear what the point of TLOU Re is.

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
Sony Computer Entertainment America, Adventure
5 21,435 78,404

If you doubt this sites' pre orders chart, which is understandable, then there are still other sources to look at.

Amazon US bestsellers of June:  Number 15

Amazon UK bestsellers of June: Number 4

Amazon DE bestsellers of June: Number 4

Amazon FR bestsellers of June: Number 15

Amazon IT hourly bestsellers: Number 5

Amazon SP hourly bestsellers: Number 1

There is clear demand for this and that demand for a PS4 version of TLOU has existed since or even before its release on PS3, the game is one of the best ever made, (most likely) not even half of the current PS4 owners have played it and it will sell damn well on PS4 for what it is. So how do people still refuse to understand the point of TLOU RE? Sony and ND are not putting out something that nobody asked for here.

IMO, there is only slight demand for TLOU remastered because nothing else of high substance has been announced that is going to be released soon. There are a few games, but none to the quality standard of TLOU. Still the same game as the PS3 though. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Totally agree but I don't see how folks who bought it on the PS3 would buy it for the PS4. Same goes for GTAV as well, I have both on my PS3 & I don't plan on picking it up on the PS4 when I eventually get one.

KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:

Notice how I said "were new to consoles."

Well Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr. and Mario Bros. werent new to consoles. They were on the Atari 2600 and several other consoles before the NES.

None of those were "major" first part NES titles. I'm talking SMB,Zelda,Metroid,Kirby etc. I don't remember the SNES launching with a remake of SMB3. I don't remember PS1 launching with a remake of FF2. I don't recall the PS2 launching with a remake of Syphon Filter or MGS. 

Things have changed. In the first calender year of the Wii-U, we had a Wind Waker port. In the first calender year of the PS4, we have TLOU. In the first calender year of the Xbone, we have Halo 1,2,3 and 4. It's so bad, twitter was a shit storm after E3 because nowadays, it's like, take an old game, shine it up and profit. Kids these days actually WANT remakes instead of original games. If you polled the 18-23 demograph (atleast the ones who know their games) and asked them if they'd like a MM HD remake with achievements or the new Zelda, MM would win by a landslide.

Maybe some of this has to do with the fact that they never played those games but those of us old enough to have had the good fortune, it's like, come on. The game industry is slowly turning in the movie industry with all these remakes. 

Dusk said:
DerNebel said:

I've been seeing comments like this going around quite alot pretty much since the reveal of said remaster, so I thought I'd just make it clear what the point of TLOU Re is.

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)
Sony Computer Entertainment America, Adventure
5 21,435 78,404

If you doubt this sites' pre orders chart, which is understandable, then there are still other sources to look at.

Amazon US bestsellers of June:  Number 15

Amazon UK bestsellers of June: Number 4

Amazon DE bestsellers of June: Number 4

Amazon FR bestsellers of June: Number 15

Amazon IT hourly bestsellers: Number 5

Amazon SP hourly bestsellers: Number 1

There is clear demand for this and that demand for a PS4 version of TLOU has existed since or even before its release on PS3, the game is one of the best ever made, (most likely) not even half of the current PS4 owners have played it and it will sell damn well on PS4 for what it is. So how do people still refuse to understand the point of TLOU RE? Sony and ND are not putting out something that nobody asked for here.

IMO, there is only slight demand for TLOU remastered because nothing else of high substance has been announced that is going to be released soon. There are a few games, but none to the quality standard of TLOU. Still the same game as the PS3 though. 

There was no demand for a Wind Waker remaster. Nintendo still produced it. It sold over 1M including digital sales. It was pretty much the same game as well, with minor tweaks and a few additions (and omissions: Tingle Tuner, anyone?).

There's a demand for TLoU Remastered. I'm quite sure it will sell good enough despite it being released only a year after the original. And it will have tweaks too, as well as include all DLCs... 

prayformojo said:
KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:

Notice how I said "were new to consoles."

Well Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong jr. and Mario Bros. werent new to consoles. They were on the Atari 2600 and several other consoles before the NES.

None of those were "major" first part NES titles. I'm talking SMB,Zelda,Metroid,Kirby etc. I don't remember the SNES launching with a remake of SMB3. I don't remember PS1 launching with a remake of FF2. I don't recall the PS2 launching with a remake of Syphon Filter or MGS. 

Things have changed.

Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. was not major titles? The PS4, XB1 and WiiU didnt launch with any remakes either...