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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Tecmo Koei Wants to sell 1 Million Copies of Hyrule Warriors

MohammadBadir said:
VanceIX said:
Meh, maybe it does due to the name, but then again it could just be like that target-practice Zelda game...

You mean Link's Crossbow Training? That game that sold almost 5 million? :P

Wow, how can people still use this as some sort of point or counter argument. It was $20 bundle with a periphal/accessory. That's why it sold, it's like the Wii Play Wiimote bundle.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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S.T.A.G.E. said:

Tecmo Dynasty Warriors games by themselves cant even sell well on established consoles for Tecmo. They just arent that popular. Nintedno is a newer crowd and they are less reliable than half of what they sold last gen. You're expecting way too much from the Nintendo. Even Link cant same Dynasty Warriors. 

This games creation is an act of desperation on both Tecmo and Nintendos part.

I don't think a game with Zelda slapped on it eventually selling 1 million LT (not overnight), is expecting too much of anything at all.

And how is Nintendo securing another exclusive for their system "desperate"? It needs games, would you rather they didn't bother trying to GET any outside games put on it at all? Or would you rather Wii U just bombed completely and died off, so that you can say "told ya" or whatever it is you're looking to say? Me personally, I want to see the thing last a few years, and I want as many games to come out on the hardware as possible. But hey, I only bought the thing, I guess expecting some return on my investment is expecting too much.

Ljink96 said:
It'll do that easy. Zelda, yeah it'll do fine.

Platinum Games is more popular than Tacmo Koei and the worst part is both of their games are exclusive to a Nintendo console. Its like trying to create a new fanbase. It will most likely do 400k-500k first year.

It will. I will help with one copy of the game :D

All that matters is that this will sell in Japan/China etc. I think the sales will surprise many people. In the West it's more of a gamble, but I see it doing well here also. Hack N Slash with enough content, story, and gameplay mechanics has always been fun to me.

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Soundwave said:
It's nice to want things.

I don't think Donkey Kong Country: TF unfortunately is even getting to 1 million, Hyrule Warriors ... nah. Not unless Nintendo force bundles it.

You dont thinkDK will hit 1mil? Really O.o

Go Hyrule Warriors!

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

This game will score a 6 on average, 6.5 if it's lucky. Really don't get why they let them use link for this.

More than anything, I think this is an effort to make Zelda relevant in Japan again...
You have to admit that it's not that bad of a tactic by any means...

Have a nice day...

It will sell 3+ million copies.