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Forums - General Discussion - Do Japanese Girls Really Love Aussie/American Men?

I am guilty as charge. Guess I just have to wait until my ban is over. Japanese love money, they do not love foreigners.

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As someone who has lived in japan I can confirm that japanese girls do have low standards

my experience in that regard is that if you are tall, blonde, blue eyed you are an exotic guy in many countries (all latin america, asia etc.). Girls go crazy for the exotic look.

so do guys as you can see with art of angels.

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Well, well, well...

I stayed in Japan for over a year so I could talk about that. If I was americain.

Truly, I think MOST girls are attracted by strangers only because it looks cool. And they hope to marry one if he has MONEY.

But if you ask a Japanese girl what she thinks about foreigners, she would probably say NOISY (Americans are known for that in Japan), DRUNKAR, STINKY and BAD EDUCATED (they don't have any manner)...

Sorry for your guys. But it's just "a priori", meaning that if you are not like that, you can easily make friends and all. But you have to try hard and to integrate Japanese culture also.

But for being myself blond and blue eyed, I have to say I had quite some fun there.

For family, it's not so easy. My best friend is actually engaged to a Japanese girl that I introduced to him... well...

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Ok, so, when is the field trip to japan just to confirm this???

And yes, is the more likely situation... some japanese woman likes foreign people...

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the asian girls i've met (meaning girls originally from various parts of asia and then came to US for college) all prefer americans. from what they tell me is that on a cultural note they prefer the way americans treat women and that they also prefer -----------------  . (and yes they were very explicit in saying that)

this is all anecdotal evidence of course and the views of girls who come to america for school are probably not representative of all asian girls. then again, the one friend i know that went to japan for a summer ended up never coming home cause he found a girl there. hmm....i miss justin. :(

edited:  pm me if you really care to see the edited part. 

I love asian girls... Not many in my country by the way

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ArtofAngels said:

OT: I love Japanese girls.

You love japanese girls in general? I fell in love with a real japanese girl. But she didn't loved me. I don't know, if this was about me or western man in general.

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kitler53 said:

the asian girls i've met (meaning girls originally from various parts of asia and then came to US for college) all prefer americans. from what they tell me is that on a cultural note they prefer the way americans treat women and that they also prefer -----------------  . (and yes they were very explicit in saying that)

Well, I know some Japanese guys who have it twice as you

 Anyway, girls who are abroad are REALLY NOT typical japanese girls for sure...

Most of those who go abroad don't fit well in their own country


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Yeah my friend is with an Asian girl. She said that she likes American men because of how they're treated, and also for the reason kitler explained in the last line of his first paragraph.

Me personally, I don't like Asian girls, but that's just my preference.