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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

If I know you're a fanboy I won't take your response to this thread seriously, you'll try your hardest to come up with excuses that don't matter for the current argument. Note: I'm not calling anyone here a fanboy you already know who you are without me having to call out names.

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Halo, Gears of War, Titanfall. If you like these, Xbox One is better value

If you prefer Sony exclusives, PS4 is better value.

crissindahouse said:

People just have to compare the costs for Sony and Microsoft and if the costs are also higher for Microsoft. If they think the PS4 price is fair then they also have to think that the Xbox One price is fair if Microsoft has higher costs.  Weaker hardware or not, higher production costs means that the price will be probably also higher at retail. Microsoft will maybe make more money per console as Sony does but probably not more than maybe 20 bucks or so...

Like you already said, if people like Kinect or not but it isn't deniable that it simply costs a lot. This time probably even more since Microsoft had to develop Kinect 2 alone, with Kinect 1 they got something already developed by another company.

Most think that Kinect isn't necessary for them but as long as it is sold with the console I think the price for this package is fair. Well, if we look at what Sony and Microsoft did last gen we could argue that both, PS4 and Xbox One could be cheaper and that these companies could take a bigger loss since they did it last gen but that was probably not really a great idea for them and this time they act more like a "normal" company with the price of their product,

Irrelevant. The concern what of console sales is the userbase it creates, not the profit margins made of it. Especially since all but Nintendo follows the loss leader strategy.
However, if we we're concerned with profit here's what it would look like.

Each XB1 sold is 28$

Each PS4 sold is 18$

Disregarding, shipping, manufacturing, and the retailers cut lets assume that both companies see the maximum profit, which they don't, but its useful to see how pointless the profit from a console sale alone is.

In order for the PS4 to profit as much as the XB1 it needs to sell an additional 1.8 million consoles more than it.

Right now, the Gap is 2.2 million consoles.

So there is a lot more profit on PS4s than XB1 right now. Not to mention that shipping, manufacturing, retailers as well as r and d, suck up all that profit one would be seeing from the console sale.

However, the gap in userbase will give every game on the ps4 more addressable consumers. So the Software makes up for it.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Sony fans disagree with OP
MS fans agree with OP
nintendo fans don't care for OP
Sega fans hate the new sonic
people with sense laugh at all of the above

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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d21lewis said:
adriane23 said:
You didn't get a voucher for a free month of PS+? I'm pretty sure I did along with the $10 voucher and a free month of Music Unlimited. Though there were also free vouchers with many of the games, so maybe I'm thinking of that.

Plus, in terms of apps, the PS4 has Twitch and a stable party chat system, neither of which the X1 has at the moment.

I couldn't even find a youtube app for my PS4.  I'll check again. If not, I could always use the browser, how I used Twitch on the Wii U browser. 

Is it true that the Xbox One doesn't have a stable party chat system?  I've heard arguments both ways.  Someone with an  Xbox One needs to set the record straight!  And no, no free month of PS+, I'm afraid.  Just a free month of Music Unlimited, the $10 voucher, and a PS+ advertisement.  I grabbed a PS3 back on November 29th and it came with a free month.  I already used it, though.

I use my PC for Youtube, and as far as I know none of the available apps (including the PS3 one) are very good.

There's supposed to be a patch coming for it in March, but until then there are several workaround videos on Youtube and various gaming sites. There are also several videos showcasing the problems.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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From an objective pov, there is absolutely no reason to buy One over PS4, if you want to play multiplatforms, you buy a PS4, if you want to play big microsoft exclusives...You wait until the end of the year- 2015/price drop. ( yes, it's insane to buy one now knowing the price drop will come quickly to compete against PS4 )

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


d21lewis said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
At least in the US, they had free plus for 30 days I think ending sometime in March

I live in the U.S.  I don't have free plus.  I'll probably use the $10 thingy that came with the PS4 for a month of Plus and then subscribe for a year.

 I got the codes for $10 for PSN and Mussic Unlimited with my PS4. I also got a free month of Plus code. I'm surprised all you got was the $10 on PSN.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

It's true that PS4 looks more sexy, better design, smaller, cheaper, more powerful, etc, but in the end it's your choice, the IPs you prefer, the features of a Console. I only have a PS4, but I could consider the purchase of WiiU for its 1st party games !

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

Krill said:
Halo, Gears of War, Titanfall. If you like these, Xbox One is better value

If you prefer Sony exclusives, PS4 is better value.

I would say the same, adding that multiplatform games are better on PS4, and Titanfall could come also on Sony Consoles.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

vivster said:

I always wondered what's actually inside. I mean bigger case for less hardware? There must be extra receptacles for the secret sauce.


Which less hardware? It's all on a die, you won't see the cu's onboard... Their board-design is just way more pc-like, unlike PS4. And in their first iteration of retail hardware for the one I think it's good to play safe considering the RROD-disaster...