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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

d21lewis said:
  • The Xbox is a BIG console.  You probably get like $20 more in the extra plastic and power brick alone.  Sony gives you some generic power cord.
  • You get a REAL headset.  The PS4 came with some flimsy wire with an ear bud on the end. 
  • The Xbox One comes with the new Kinect.  Hate it or love it, the original Kinect cost like $150. 
  • The Xbox One has apps that the PS4 doesn't, yet. 
  • The Xbox One has an IR blaster that can control your TV and stuff right out of the box  (The Wii U controller can control your TV, too.  Just saying.).  The PS4 can't.
  • The Xbox One has that HDMI IN that pretty much gives you an extra HDMI port for your TV AND lets you integrate functions into your console.
  • The PS4 doesn't come with a free month of PS Plus (even the PS3 I got on Black Friday came with that!) but it does come with a $10 PSN voucher. 

Your thoughts?

a) Xbox is a BIG CONSOLE, that is a negative aspect of it. The difference in size has NEGATIVE value. The extra power brick takes some precious space, causing even more negative value. Let's call those values -(a+b).

b) You get a real headset but you don't get a real rechargeable controller kit etc. So this point is moot.

c) This is a positive value if you want kinect but a negative one if you don't. Now let's assume this gives /takes away a value of "c" (-c or +c) depending on your preference.

d) Apps, really? How about not complicating the interface and focusing on simplicity and functionality. This is not meant to be your PC, but your gaming console, simple, elegant, efficient, straigtforward, functional. Most people also appear to not like the Metro interface or prefer it. This is pure preference and cannot be counted either way. (to me, subjectively, the Metro interface is a garbled mess)

e) The IR blaster is very American-centric and almost entirely useless for others. At best this is a gimmick, which is aligned with your preferences. If all that is a positive to you, then you have already made your choice and you're the right target anyway, for all others (over 90% of 8th gen console users), this means nothing. I'm going to bundle this with the HDMI port as well. So count as "d" if it means something, "0" otherwise.

f) Yes, you may get an extra month of free subscription for Xbox, it does not only cost more than PSN annually but also you have to be subscribed to it at all times to get any of the benefits beyond playing single player games. Well, this alone just annihilates all the possible benefits and takes away a lot.

g) PS4 has lots of other good stuff going on for it as well.

 * The PSN subscribtion is not forced on you, potentially saving $50 / year

* PSN gives you lots of free games and stuff, this alone is worth way more than what you pay etc...

* PS4 has a much better hardware, and you're guaranteed to always get better games, this must have a value of at least $200 I believe!

Ok, I give up. XB1 is DEFINITELY DOES NOT give you $100 value more, heck it doesn't even give you the same value. PS4 gives you A LOT MORE value with a $100 less price tag. Not even a competition. I now realize what a bad idea to choose XB1 over PS4, unless there are some exclusives on XB1 that you can't just live without. All those TV and video features (most of which also exist on PS4) now seem completely not worth it.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

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blessedswine said:
d21lewis said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
At least in the US, they had free plus for 30 days I think ending sometime in March

I live in the U.S.  I don't have free plus.  I'll probably use the $10 thingy that came with the PS4 for a month of Plus and then subscribe for a year.

my free month was on the same paper that the 10$ was on, i think it was folded in 3, a free month of Plus, fee month of unlimited music, and 10$ voucher.

I got that same paper.  Used the code for $10 and then used the $10 to get Plus just now.  No free Plus code for me.  :(  It's not that big of a deal, though.  I was just surprised that my PS3 Super Slim came with one and the PS4 didn't.

Codes for Music Plus and $10 in the lower right.  Nothing under PS Plus.

freedquaker said:
d21lewis said:
  • The Xbox is a BIG console.  You probably get like $20 more in the extra plastic and power brick alone.  Sony gives you some generic power cord.
  • You get a REAL headset.  The PS4 came with some flimsy wire with an ear bud on the end. 
  • The Xbox One comes with the new Kinect.  Hate it or love it, the original Kinect cost like $150. 
  • The Xbox One has apps that the PS4 doesn't, yet. 
  • The Xbox One has an IR blaster that can control your TV and stuff right out of the box  (The Wii U controller can control your TV, too.  Just saying.).  The PS4 can't.
  • The Xbox One has that HDMI IN that pretty much gives you an extra HDMI port for your TV AND lets you integrate functions into your console.
  • The PS4 doesn't come with a free month of PS Plus (even the PS3 I got on Black Friday came with that!) but it does come with a $10 PSN voucher. 

Your thoughts?

a) Xbox is a BIG CONSOLE, that is a negative aspect of it. The difference in size has NEGATIVE value. The extra power brick takes some precious space, causing even more negative value. Let's call those values -(a+b).
b) You get a real headset but you don't get a real rechargeable controller kit etc. So this point is moot.

c) This is a positive value if you want kinect but a negative one if you don't. Now let's assume this gives /takes away a value of "c" (-c or +c) depending on your preference.
d) Apps, really? How about not complicating the interface and focusing on simplicity and functionality. This is not meant to be your PC, but your gaming console, simple, elegant, efficient, straigtforward, functional. Most appear also not to like the Metro interface or prefer it. This is pure preference and cannot be counted either to me (to me, subjectively, the Metro interface is a garbled mess)

e) The IR blaster is very American-centric and almost entirely useless for others. At best this is a gimmick, which is aligned with your preference. If all that is a positive to you, then you have already made your choice and you're right target anyway, for all others (over 90% of 8th gen console users), this means nothing. I'm going to bundle this with the HDMI port as well. So count as "d" if it means something, "0" otherwise.

f) Yes, you may get an extra month of free subscription for Xbox, it does not only cost more than PSN annually but also you have to be subscribed to it at all times to get any of the benefits beyond playing single player games. Well, this alone just annihilates all the possible benefits and takes away a lot.

g) PS4 has lots of other good stuff going on for it as well.

 * The PSN subscribtion is not forced on you, potentially saving $50 / year

* PSN gives you lots of free games and stuff, this alone is worth way more than what you pay etc...

* PS4 has a much better hardware, and you're guaranteed to always get better games, this must have a value of at least $200 I believe!

Ok, I give up. XB1 is DEFINITELY DOES NOT give you $100 value, heck it doesn't even give you the same value. PS4 gives you A LOT MORE value with a $100 less price tag. Not even a competition. I now realize what a bad idea to choose XB1 over PS4, unless there are some exclusives on XB1 that you can't just live without. All those TV and video features (most of which also exist on PS4) now seem completely now worth it.

Hey, buddy.  I'm on YOUR side!  I'm a fellow PS4 owner.  Boo, Xbox!

But help me with the TV/Video features.  I'm not sure which ones are on Xbox One but there's not a lot on PS4.  I wouldn't mind if some user that owns both did a comparison.

I just realised does this setup for the biggest change in size when a XBOX one lite gets launched?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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kirby007 said:
I just realised does this setup for the biggest change in size when a XBOX one lite gets launched?

M$ is evil, they probably did that on purpose so they can have bragging rights and inflate their sales.

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To me as a gamer it was incredibly simple. The Xbox One has the games I want to play, so I went to Xbox One first. If I were to buy a PS4 any time before freaking The Order comes out later this year, nothing would be appealing to me except multiplatform titles I could play the same day on my last gen consoles.

I don't mind paying more for weaker hardware because it includes the Kinect, which I love and use over the controller at every opportunity. I love creating a party and inviting people in just by saying a few commands. Also, thanks to the FIOS app on XBL, which Playstation does not have, I returned my cable box for my office, which saves me like $12 a month. For me, I actually profit by paying for XBL. I reupped my subscription for $40 last month and will save just over $100 thanks to the app. I'm not mathmetician but I think that's like 950% profit margins.

The thing is though if you don't care for Kinect or just want the cheapest hardware, XBO isn't very appealing at $500. PS4 is selling so much better because it's cheapest imho. If MS wants to sell more consoles and close that gap they need a price drop in the US. They seem to prioritize profit over market share though, or else why launch at $500.

Well done lol...

anyway HW and price in console are not related to purchase reason if it was why buy a console in the first place for 500 bucks and even 400 bucks I can build myself a steam machine than would more than likely run over both machine quite easily....

you could ask the same question about apple products or for that matter Sony why do people buy Macs or iPhones or ipads when at that price they are clearly inferior hardware than the competition... Sony TVs and a lot of their consumer electronic is about the same way over priced when compared to the competition offerings.... Yet people buy buy buy...

personally I buy Xbox over PS because there are way less exclusives that interest me on PS than xb... Sony approach to gaming/media hub is at the opposite of what I'm looking for in a living room entertainment device... Their online infrastructure is less robust than MS's and the further we advance the more relevant it will be (maybe not this Gen but it will) and finally the biggest con of all for me... My hands are just viscerally allergic to DS pad I would pay a 100 bucks alone to not get that pad if we had only PS as a choice... This an anatomical joke... Worst pad since the NES.... And no it's not about symmetrical vs asymmetrical... I'm actually for symmetrical but not at inhuman 45 degree angle... Where the left stick on xb1 is, is the right spot... And after that you have the horrendous shape of the DS that cramps my hands...

anyway that's why a miger 100 bucks more over thousands of hours of gaming over a gen is completely irrelevant and well wort it for me....

pbroy said:
Now we know who the haters are... Thanks to d21. Like a male stripper at a fat girl party.

Say something that could be positive about Xbone and it gets torn apart quicker than someone getting tentacle raped.

They shouldn't have made it so easy this time around. With 8 years of pent-up hatred I'm suprised that much has been held back.

endimion said:
Well done lol...

anyway HW and price in console are not related to purchase reason if it was why buy a console in the first place for 500 bucks and even 400 bucks I can build myself a steam machine than would more than likely run over both machine quite easily....

you could ask the same question about apple products or for that matter Sony why do people buy Macs or iPhones or ipads when at that price they are clearly inferior hardware than the competition... Sony TVs and a lot of their consumer electronic is about the same way over priced when compared to the competition offerings.... Yet people buy buy buy...

personally I buy Xbox over PS because there are way less exclusives that interest me on PS than xb... Sony approach to gaming/media hub is at the opposite of what I'm looking for in a living room entertainment device... Their online infrastructure is less robust than MS's and the further we advance the more relevant it will be (maybe not this Gen but it will) and finally the biggest con of all for me... My hands are just viscerally allergic to DS pad I would pay a 100 bucks alone to not get that pad if we had only PS as a choice... This an anatomical joke... Worst pad since the NES.... And no it's not about symmetrical vs asymmetrical... I'm actually for symmetrical but not at inhuman 45 degree angle... Where the left stick on xb1 is, is the right spot... And after that you have the horrendous shape of the DS that cramps my hands...

anyway that's why a miger 100 bucks more over two hours of gaming over a gen is completely irrelevant and well wort it for me....


In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I bought both this gen, multiplat games will go where the run best PS4, exclusives will always be why I buy both.

If the cloud for MS ever helps with making games better looking running smoother all the above then that could get me back to chasing achievements more then trophies.

As for the $100 difference I dont use kinect like others cant get rid of my cable box so its not saving me anything, And teaching my wife how to use it Priceless. 


I really dont want my $500.00 videogames machine on 24-7 for watching tv. get rid of kinect make it a peripheral and sell at $350.00 that would get MS the lead in sales in America only. 

Based on exclusives Sony is widening the gap. Microsoft is securing the great exclusives from other people though so it masks their lack of internally made games. With the PS4 the games just get better and better looking. With the Xbox One we have to wait and see because there isnt much more to see now that Black Tusks game was cancelled and Gears was purchased. Microsoft is going to be buying games rather than focusing on making their console look good for sure. Quantum Break is the only exclusive left, I believe of note until Halo 5.