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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

suddenly having big power brick is a "+". Delusion everywhere.

Ypu do get HDMI cable with PS4

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You could play Titanfall on 360/PC if you really want it, after testing the beta, ths game is absolutely not a reason to buy a console, especially when it's on 2 other platforms.

It's like buying a next gen for COD

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Nate4Drake said:

It's true that PS4 looks more sexy, better design, smaller, cheaper, more powerful, etc, but in the end it's your choice, the IPs you prefer, the features of a Console. I only have a PS4, but I could consider the purchase of WiiU for its 1st party games !


I agree PS4 looks more sexy but I still think it doesn't look good. I will definitely wait for several months to enter next-gen and hope for better redesigns.

Aerys said:
You could play Titanfall on 360/PC if you really want it, after testing the beta, ths game is absolutely not a reason to buy a console, especially when it's on 2 other platforms.

It's like buying a next gen for COD

We will see how many others think different if Titanfall is released.

Most of the extra x1 does people never asked for or want.....There is also many things ps4 has/does x1 doesn;t like no batteries for controllers, touchpad, twitch streaming, remote play, upgradeable hard drives. PS4 has as many apps in europe and that will change over time.

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What will save the Xbox One Wii U: Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros U

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Max King of the Wild said:
Also might i add, that in order for xbox to be worth the extra 500 bucks that consumers needto find value in it. Most dont find value with Kinect so that doesnt make it worth an extra 100 bucks. The extra hdmi input is moot since most peopledont use more than they have

How do you know that most don't find value in it?

I have an XB1 and I find value in it.  You clearly don't have one and are making statements that those that do don't care for it. 

You also claim that the headset only came after an outcry.  True, M$ may have intended to not include it, but they never shipped a unit without one did they?

It is near the end of the end....

walsufnir said:
vivster said:

I always wondered what's actually inside. I mean bigger case for less hardware? There must be extra receptacles for the secret sauce.


Which less hardware? It's all on a die, you won't see the cu's onboard... Their board-design is just way more pc-like, unlike PS4. And in their first iteration of retail hardware for the one I think it's good to play safe considering the RROD-disaster...

Last time I checked PSUs count as hardware. And yes the die is the same size but it shouldn't get as hot as the PS4's and as such would need less cooling. Cooling being one of the biggest space occupiers.

PS4 isn't overheating(as one think it would with such a small system) so either the X1 likes it really really cool or there are some magic parts in there that nobody knows of. Or air.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Landguy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Also might i add, that in order for xbox to be worth the extra 500 bucks that consumers needto find value in it. Most dont find value with Kinect so that doesnt make it worth an extra 100 bucks. The extra hdmi input is moot since most peopledont use more than they have

How do you know that most don't find value in it?

I have an XB1 and I find value in it.  You clearly don't have one and are making statements that those that do don't care for it. 

You also claim that the headset only came after an outcry.  True, M$ may have intended to not include it, but they never shipped a unit without one did they?

Umm sales show most don't see the value in it.Most of it is gimmicks or things people simply don't need.

FlamingWeazel said:
Most of the extra x1 does people never asked for or want.....There is also many things ps4 has/does x1 doesn;t like no batteries for controllers, touchpad, twitch streaming, remote play, upgradeable hard drives. PS4 has as many apps in europe and that will change over time.

This is a very good point.  And also PS4 has a more powerful hardware capable of better performance in Games.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.