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pbroy said:
Now we know who the haters are... Thanks to d21. Like a male stripper at a fat girl party.

Say something that could be positive about Xbone and it gets torn apart quicker than someone getting tentacle raped.

They shouldn't have made it so easy this time around. With 8 years of pent-up hatred I'm suprised that much has been held back.

endimion said:
Well done lol...

anyway HW and price in console are not related to purchase reason if it was why buy a console in the first place for 500 bucks and even 400 bucks I can build myself a steam machine than would more than likely run over both machine quite easily....

you could ask the same question about apple products or for that matter Sony why do people buy Macs or iPhones or ipads when at that price they are clearly inferior hardware than the competition... Sony TVs and a lot of their consumer electronic is about the same way over priced when compared to the competition offerings.... Yet people buy buy buy...

personally I buy Xbox over PS because there are way less exclusives that interest me on PS than xb... Sony approach to gaming/media hub is at the opposite of what I'm looking for in a living room entertainment device... Their online infrastructure is less robust than MS's and the further we advance the more relevant it will be (maybe not this Gen but it will) and finally the biggest con of all for me... My hands are just viscerally allergic to DS pad I would pay a 100 bucks alone to not get that pad if we had only PS as a choice... This an anatomical joke... Worst pad since the NES.... And no it's not about symmetrical vs asymmetrical... I'm actually for symmetrical but not at inhuman 45 degree angle... Where the left stick on xb1 is, is the right spot... And after that you have the horrendous shape of the DS that cramps my hands...

anyway that's why a miger 100 bucks more over two hours of gaming over a gen is completely irrelevant and well wort it for me....


In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank