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d21lewis said:
adriane23 said:
You didn't get a voucher for a free month of PS+? I'm pretty sure I did along with the $10 voucher and a free month of Music Unlimited. Though there were also free vouchers with many of the games, so maybe I'm thinking of that.

Plus, in terms of apps, the PS4 has Twitch and a stable party chat system, neither of which the X1 has at the moment.

I couldn't even find a youtube app for my PS4.  I'll check again. If not, I could always use the browser, how I used Twitch on the Wii U browser. 

Is it true that the Xbox One doesn't have a stable party chat system?  I've heard arguments both ways.  Someone with an  Xbox One needs to set the record straight!  And no, no free month of PS+, I'm afraid.  Just a free month of Music Unlimited, the $10 voucher, and a PS+ advertisement.  I grabbed a PS3 back on November 29th and it came with a free month.  I already used it, though.

I use my PC for Youtube, and as far as I know none of the available apps (including the PS3 one) are very good.

There's supposed to be a patch coming for it in March, but until then there are several workaround videos on Youtube and various gaming sites. There are also several videos showcasing the problems.

I am the Playstation Avenger.