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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Calling it now: Mario Kart 8 will flop! Vita will rise!

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Mario Kart 8 will flop, Vita will rise!

Yup, MK8 will flop hard! 71 16.44%
You wish Anfebious! 361 83.56%
JakDaSnack said:
Anfebious said:

I think Sony supports most of it's consoles for 10 years am I right? With 10 years I'm pretty sure the Vita can catch up to the 3DS, it's a lot of time to improve!

Isn't the DS still supported?

Yes but the DS was a monster in sales. The 3DS is already facing a serious decline in sales. There is a possibiity that Nintendo is planning to release a successor in the near future and that will cut the 3DS life for good.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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Vita is not new tech. Compared to today's smartphones it is already hopelessly underpowered. It will only get worse from here on unless Sony manages to bring multiple Vita exclusive system sellers like Monster Hunter.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

JakDaSnack said:
Don't expect the same thing with Mario Kart as Donkey Kong. Everyone was upset that Retro worked on Donkey Kong, and while the reviews are below Retro's standards, there have been rumors that Retro has been having a lot of difficulty with its staff, so that would explain why. Either way, the consumers are showing Nintendo what they want, and it's not Donkey Kong. However, consumers want Mario kart 8 and Super Smash bros, so I would be surprised if they flopped. As for Vita...well...I've seen bolder predictions.

I didn't know about that rumor.Any word on what specific kind of difficulty?

I sure hope the Vita catches fire. I luv my Vita. I has such a good selection of current games. Only thing holding it back is a few more titles, GTA, MGS, A True COD, and a price cut to about $150.

Nintendo's cycle needs to change. Mario to Zelda, to MK, to DK, to Kirby, back to Mario again recycle ..... Where is the next Red Dead Redemption ? Skyrim ?, Bioshock ?, where are the new experiences ? Where is the new Dishonored ? ....

I can count 1 new IP from Nintendo in the last 2 generations that was of any importance and that's Pikmin.

JGarret said:
JakDaSnack said:
Don't expect the same thing with Mario Kart as Donkey Kong. Everyone was upset that Retro worked on Donkey Kong, and while the reviews are below Retro's standards, there have been rumors that Retro has been having a lot of difficulty with its staff, so that would explain why. Either way, the consumers are showing Nintendo what they want, and it's not Donkey Kong. However, consumers want Mario kart 8 and Super Smash bros, so I would be surprised if they flopped. As for Vita...well...I've seen bolder predictions.

I didn't know about that rumor.Any word on what specific kind of difficulty?

Jes what for rumors?

People they hate in the Internet thej have all small pe.....

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Anfebious said:
pokoko said:
I am very suspicious.

Kart and Smash will do well, relatively speaking, but I don't think they'll be the almighty savior I once imagined. They'll bump the hardware, though it might be a really short effect.

Nintendo needs new evergreen IP hits that aren't platformers and they need them badly.

2015 will be a good year for the Vita, though I doubt we'll see more than a moderate improvement. I just want to see the numbers creeping upward at a steady rate. It would surprise me to see it last less than five more years.

I think Sony supports most of it's consoles for 10 years am I right? With 10 years I'm pretty sure the Vita can catch up to the 3DS, it's a lot of time to improve!

Sony does not have the type of kid-friendly software to make a handheld a large-scale hit in North America.  It will do well in Japan, moderately well in Europe, but I can't see it ever gaining serious traction in North America unless something drastic happens.

DarkNight_DS said:
The bigger issue for anyone looking to buy a Wii U is not knowing what comes after Mario Kart and Smash Bros....

A. nintendo doesn't usually tell people what they are releasing extremely far ahead

b. Because we don't know the release schedule I can't be sure when these games come out (before or after smash) but the Wii U also has X, Bayonetta 2, Yarn Yoshi, Sonic Boom, SMT x FE, Project Cars, Legend of Zelda, Watch Dogs, Hyrule Warriors and a ton of indie games...I don't see the problem there

I hope you are right about the vita, but I really doubt it. Its not going to have the level of support PS3 got to make a comeback.

In my opinion you have no brain. PS Shita will flopp totaly

moderated Kasz216

Zelda - Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch.... Incredable!!!

I hardly think anyone is expecting it to beat Mario Kart: Wii, seeing as how that will end up selling 12-15 million more than the entire Wii U lifetime installed base, in all likelihood.
What do you mean by flop anyway? I think it will maintain its attach rate, with the severe drought following DK, people will go mental for an actual, huge title.

And; no, the Vita won't rise, I think it's already going to head downwards this year.

Also; to the guy above me; I'm pretty sure "PS Shita" is not a term you should use in here, it's very likely against the rules. Your first sentence is also borderline.