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Forums - General Discussion - Gamer getting in shape.

In high school (secondary school for our international friends) I was fat (6'3" 245lbs 26% body fat).  When I moved out of my parents house, I went on the "college diet" and lost 50lbs; afterwards I began eating right and exercising toning up from there.  I got into fitness but after 4 years I began to work out less and less.  About 2 years ago, I stopped all together.

Well, I knew that I had fallen off the wagon but I was shocked when I weighed myself the other day...


I went to the gym got my bmi and measure at 24.6% body fat.  This is dangerously close to my all time highlow.  I signed up and have been going every day since the weigh in.  It's been 4 days and I am down to 235 (the first few punds peel off pretty fast) and am going to measure body fat at one week.

I was wondering who else here works out, enjoys fitness, or struggles with their weight.  Please post your stories, workout plans, or what ever.  One thing I am requesting is to keep it constructive. (don't troll, I am ok, but many people suffer more than I do psychologically from these issues)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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I do great in the Summer but struggle during the year. Probaly because I can spend 12+ hours sleeping, have a pool, and always have good fruit.

I weighed 235 going into last summer, dropped to 215 by the end without really trying, but now I am back up to 230.

I don't know, I was thinking of taking time off when I graduate to get in shape and do other things. The gym by me is always full and quite frankly, everybody goes there to show off, and it's pretty damn intimidating.

Good to see you are having luck, hope it goes well.

Thanks. Don't let people bother you though. What I enjoy is picking on them in my head... I watch them throw the weights around ineffectually instead of using slower more fluid movements. I know faster can be good for mass, but these people are just using bad technique.  

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Yeah I like going to the gym, but I'm the complete opposite, I actually have trouble gaining weight. I have found the what works best for me is a high protien and carbohydrate diet with lots of exercise. But, yeah it's good to get to a good fitness level because the rewards are really worth it. congrats on losing 3lbs in 4 days, that's a lot of good work.

i was in really good shape before starting a serious job. then 60+ hours weeks, lots of travelling and free food while working in front of a pc just made me gain weight. now i am at about 200 pounds and hating it. recently started cardio again.

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Here are some tips I have for people wanting to start a gym program or just to get into better shape (I'm not an expert, everything here is just from personal experience and I'm not claiming it's the best way but I found all of these things helped me).

- Go to the gym very early if you can. The one I go to opens at 5:30AM and most mornings that I go there're very few people and they're all serious so no worries of them watching you or having to wait long for a machine.

-Don't follow the "No pain, no gain" motto. It usually leads to a greater chance of injury which when they happen basically remove any gains you've made or may turn you off to working out completely.

-If you don't leave the gym soaked with sweat then you're not doing enough.

-Keep junk food out of the house. If the temptation is there you'll eventually succumb to it. When you go to the grocery store take something to remind you of why you're sacrificing (an unflattering picture of yourself that shows off the pounds you need to lose or a picture of yourself when you were younger and in better shape, or even a picture of a beautiful girl).  Something to look at to keep your willpower strong when you get to the candy aisle.

-Keep a duplicate of the picture I just mentioned on your refrigerator as well. 

-Don't eat anything sitting at a computer. In my opinion it can be a bad habit.  Drink water there if you feel like you have to have something.

-Learn to cook if you can't already. Find new and creative ways to make healthy foods to keep them interesting, especially with snacks.

-Drink a lot of water. It'll help to keep you feeling full, it does wonders for the skin, and it helps to keep your body from retaining water.

-Weigh yourself once a week instead of daily so that you're not completely fixated on your weight.  It'll also help to show that you that the pounds are falling off.

i dont really do excercise thoough i should

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

yeah, you are right. the problem is, working in a job that has you away from home at least 4 days a week, working minimum of 12 hours a day just doesnt go with the "no eating in front of screen" "cook own food" advice...

still, i agree with your points

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The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

Here's the deal - exercise works great, but you really, REALLY need to change your eating habits first. Why? If you lose the weight and don't change your eating habits, you will end up gaining it back. I was 330lbs a few years ago - moved to the Southwest and didn't have a Popeye's within 200 miles (Las Cruces or Amarillo were the closest). So, I had no choice - I ended up eating when I got hungry. Within a year and a half, I had dropped 70lbs - no exercise and modest eating modifications.

I ate to my desired weight. For me, that was 180lbs. I was chomping down on 6K calories a day. Now, I hovered between 2,500 and 3K a day. Sometimes I go over, but after eating just half of the food I used to eat, my stomach has shrunk and I feel a lot better. I have plateaued at 260, but want to change my eating habits again when I make the final push.

Playing the Wii helps out a lot - I just wish I had more time to do it (getting off the couch). If you combine eating less and exercising, you'll drop lbs like a crackhead.

All I ever eat is junk, 24/7, it's either Pizza, Macca's or something frozen for Dinner, I weigh though 72Kg's, what's that 150lb? Anyone know?

I've only gone into this habbit the last 2 or so months though, I can't gain weight if I tried.

The only exercise I do, is I make sure I do 50 push-ups a day, and that's it, I'm usually playing games or just on here recently.

And what Legend11 said, I always eat at the computer, probably is a real bad habbit, and usually I'm not hungry, I may look fit and healthy, but recently I can feel it in my body that I am not, ever since bout 2 months ago when things went shitty.