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Here's the deal - exercise works great, but you really, REALLY need to change your eating habits first. Why? If you lose the weight and don't change your eating habits, you will end up gaining it back. I was 330lbs a few years ago - moved to the Southwest and didn't have a Popeye's within 200 miles (Las Cruces or Amarillo were the closest). So, I had no choice - I ended up eating when I got hungry. Within a year and a half, I had dropped 70lbs - no exercise and modest eating modifications.

I ate to my desired weight. For me, that was 180lbs. I was chomping down on 6K calories a day. Now, I hovered between 2,500 and 3K a day. Sometimes I go over, but after eating just half of the food I used to eat, my stomach has shrunk and I feel a lot better. I have plateaued at 260, but want to change my eating habits again when I make the final push.

Playing the Wii helps out a lot - I just wish I had more time to do it (getting off the couch). If you combine eating less and exercising, you'll drop lbs like a crackhead.