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Here are some tips I have for people wanting to start a gym program or just to get into better shape (I'm not an expert, everything here is just from personal experience and I'm not claiming it's the best way but I found all of these things helped me).

- Go to the gym very early if you can. The one I go to opens at 5:30AM and most mornings that I go there're very few people and they're all serious so no worries of them watching you or having to wait long for a machine.

-Don't follow the "No pain, no gain" motto. It usually leads to a greater chance of injury which when they happen basically remove any gains you've made or may turn you off to working out completely.

-If you don't leave the gym soaked with sweat then you're not doing enough.

-Keep junk food out of the house. If the temptation is there you'll eventually succumb to it. When you go to the grocery store take something to remind you of why you're sacrificing (an unflattering picture of yourself that shows off the pounds you need to lose or a picture of yourself when you were younger and in better shape, or even a picture of a beautiful girl).  Something to look at to keep your willpower strong when you get to the candy aisle.

-Keep a duplicate of the picture I just mentioned on your refrigerator as well. 

-Don't eat anything sitting at a computer. In my opinion it can be a bad habit.  Drink water there if you feel like you have to have something.

-Learn to cook if you can't already. Find new and creative ways to make healthy foods to keep them interesting, especially with snacks.

-Drink a lot of water. It'll help to keep you feeling full, it does wonders for the skin, and it helps to keep your body from retaining water.

-Weigh yourself once a week instead of daily so that you're not completely fixated on your weight.  It'll also help to show that you that the pounds are falling off.