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In high school (secondary school for our international friends) I was fat (6'3" 245lbs 26% body fat).  When I moved out of my parents house, I went on the "college diet" and lost 50lbs; afterwards I began eating right and exercising toning up from there.  I got into fitness but after 4 years I began to work out less and less.  About 2 years ago, I stopped all together.

Well, I knew that I had fallen off the wagon but I was shocked when I weighed myself the other day...


I went to the gym got my bmi and measure at 24.6% body fat.  This is dangerously close to my all time highlow.  I signed up and have been going every day since the weigh in.  It's been 4 days and I am down to 235 (the first few punds peel off pretty fast) and am going to measure body fat at one week.

I was wondering who else here works out, enjoys fitness, or struggles with their weight.  Please post your stories, workout plans, or what ever.  One thing I am requesting is to keep it constructive. (don't troll, I am ok, but many people suffer more than I do psychologically from these issues)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.