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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In what way did Sony ever think they could compete with Nintendo in the handheld market?


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After destroying Nintendo in the console market, I would think I could take them on the handheld market, too. Who wouldn't try it? PSP put up a good fight, nearly 80M sold is hardly a failure.

No I don't agree.

Do I answer the title or the OP?

Even though back then I thought that the PSP was a total failure. It actually isn't, it's only a failure when compared to the DS. I think that the PSP was a success to Sony and it brought them a lot of profit.

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Sensei said:
After destroying Nintendo in the console market, I would think I could take them on the handheld market, too. Who wouldn't try it? PSP put up a good fight, nearly 80M sold is hardly a failure.

No I don't agree.


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i miss john, but in japan the situation isn't that good barely 3,5:1

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They wouldn't have survived this gen without the PSP, so it was definitely a good idea. Releasing another one, though? Lol, no.

Sony can only hope the 3DS' successor is less powerful than the Vita, then they can come out and say they're not releasing another portable yet and the Vita will be available for two cycles. Vita will have the larger userbase.