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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Shin’en Multimedia: Wii U Is Most Definitely A Next-Generation Console

dahuman said:

The PS4 is not more powerful than a 680 GTX even if optimization is considered into the equation(original demo ran on 2-3 580s.) To be able to run that demo, you'd need to tune things down for the PS4, that thing is not a magical box, we need to accept that at this point.

I'm talking about feature sets, you are going in another direction with it altogether for some reason. UE4 is a prime example of lack of power ending in an important feature set being taken out as a result, it's a fact, not a bash. Game devs made sure newer engines are more scalable for a reason, it's to counter the exact problems you are talking about. I'm also not saying the Wii U will match the number of options on the graphical front compared to the PS4. GPU architecture has nothing to do with what we are even talking about, you are talking about raw power at this point. There is also no need to try to discredit me, I know what I'm talking about, I just don't try to use fancy words to impress people. :P

I was just clarifying that the parts that looked like Wii U game play, I didn't say it was good or bad lol, I just answered you is all. I have no idea how it turned into Wii U bashing on your end.

And now we are into the deep tech area where most people become stuck, which you have. The PS4 is very different to a 680GTX. Its obscence bandwith and simple location puts its result close to a 680, hence the 4 terraflop ability, but that can only be achieved with some smart programming wizadry and due to the unique layout consoles are able to produce. Ultimately, the end result will be very close to a 680 GTX through extreme efficiency.

But you neglect if a game relies on a feature set as part of the core gameplay. To remove that would make a game not function, thus not scalable eg what I listed before. Also many devs are starting to realise that to comprimise is not always the best choice and what to capatilise on having new features in vast numbers (which they will need seeing how stagnant the market has become). GPU power comes from the architecture. Just look at the nvidia 4xx to 5xx series. Same size trans, different architecture (and these are not "fancy words", simply the correct and only words that can be used).

Oh right, anything techincal about the WiiU is "bashing"...seriously? Anyway, there is no solid confirmation yet to what new engines the WiiU can run and how well, and looking at current spec etc, it doesn't look good. That is simply an engineers view point on this topic.

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curl-6 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
curl-6 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:

My original statement stands, the developer hit a hard limit and compromised which is fine, however, After talking about harnessing the power of the WiiU they can hardly admit that they hit a limit so they just prettied up the words, turning a possible negative into a positive, typical PR spin. Honestly if the WiiU had the power to harness as he put it then 1080p with the same effects could have been possible, but that's not the case.


No matter what system you develop for, 1080p will always use more than double as many pixels as 720p, which means less remaining fillrate for other things. Even on PS4, you could push more post-effects on Killzone Shadowfall if it was 720p instead of 1080p.

In fact, speaking of Killzone, Guerrilla made it run at 30fps instead of 60fps for the same reason as Shin'en chose 720p; not that PS4 (Wii U) can't handle great graphics at 60fps, (1080p) but that they would rather prioritise detail over a higher framerate (higher resolution) many wouldn't notice.

You are correct that 1080p is resource intensive, so is 60fps, in fact even running 720p @ 60fps is resource intensive, surely they could of dropped it to 480p to put in more effects, but seriously, the thing in question here is the power of the WiiU, is the WiiU or is the WiiU not more powerful than the PS3/360?

1) If we assume that the WiiU is on par for the most part with the PS3/360, then Nano assault Neo as is, is perfectly fine running in 720p @60fps.

2) If we are to assume that the WiiU is, as some say x1.5 - x3 more powerful than then PS3/360, then a 1080p @ 60fps Nano assault neo game should exist seeing as a 2008 game of the same genre called Stardust ran in 1080p 60fps, surely a power console of 2012 could run the same with even more detail without breaking a sweat. Especially when the developer is claiming to harness the power of the WiiU.

Case in point, option 1 is the reality we live in, 2 is but a dream.


In regards to Killzone it is a franchise which histoyricaly runs at 30fps, killzone: Shadow fall is no different in this respect, it now runs in 1080p. Guerilla was not targeting 60fps, they were targeting 1080p with cinematic visuals. The difference here is that Nano assault neo actually ran in 1080p, before being downgraded to 720p, why would they develop the game to run at 1080p in the first place? if you read between the lines you will find that they wanted to target 1080p but couldn't achieve the look and feel of the game so they compromised on resolution to free up the resources as they were not going to compromise on frame rate. think about the excuse for one moment in what they said " We had the game also running in 1080p but the difference was not distinguishable when playing." why make such a statement if the game was designed to run in 720p?

Look at call of duty, they always target 60fps and always compromise resolution. Dropping resolution always reduces the image quality. Just ask any PC gamer who always wants to run the games at higher rez to make them look better. Just think about PS2/Wii games running on PC emulators at crazy high resolutions and see how good they look, allot of art is lost with low resolution, so for the developer to make such an excuse makes no sense unless the real reason is like I said, they talked big about harnessing the power of the WiiU, hit a limit, they compromised, and now had to do the PR dance to still hit their original claim of "Harnessing the power of the WiiU", thus making option 1 the reality above which answers the power question.

It is all my opinion so take it as you will :)

Well, at a glance, (I have not played it) Super Stardust HD doesn't seem to do as much with shaders and fillrate-related effects as Nano Assault Neo does, so it looks like another case of priority; SSHD pushed for 1080p above all, (PS3 devs were still chasing the 1080p dream back then, Wipeout HD another example) while NAN went for the best overall look, which Shin'en found was better served by using their fillrate on extra post effects than extra pixels.

Also, the "harnessing the Wii U's power" tagline was not Shin'en's words, the website chose that as an attention-grabbing headline. ;)

The reason Killzone historically runs at 30fps because the series has always sacrificed framerate for detail. It's still a compromise. Every system has is resource cap and there will always be compromises because devs naturally want to push things as far as they can. Many of the best looking PS3/360 games run at sub-HD resolution for the same reason Nano Assault runs at 720p; devs decide it looks better at lower res with more effects versus higher res with less effects.

There's much more to graphics than just resolution. Being in 720p doesn't inherently make a game technically unimpressive, for example, the Samaritan demo at 720p would still be nothing to scoff at, and Angry Birds at 1080p would be nothing to wow at.

Likewise, this is my opinion, to take for what you will. Thanks for keeping this an intelligent and mature discussion, those are hard to come by on the internet. :)

True that, alas 720p content loses a little of it's flare when on a 1080p TV, TV's have such crap scalars, this is why I'm happy with the PS4 doing 1080p. It also means less jaggies even without AA, with AA the image quality will look even cleaner and sharper, hell we may even get close to Samaritan by the end of the 8th generation.

Hey not a problem, mature discussions are the best so thank you as well :)

I was around during the creation of this site when the PS3 and 360 launched and fanboys ran rampant, I played my part back in day as we all do at one point as a gamer, it's funny how people mature over a console generation. We become the peeps on the forums which try having civil discussions while our younger selves do as we did back in the day...ahh this is the great circle of gaming and console launches, don't ya just love it?  XD

Though I must say, the technical discussions are not as fierce as they once were when the PS3 and 360 launched, I still remember forums going nuts with CELL and the 360 having the first GPU with UNIFIED SHADERS, fun times they were lol

z101 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:

On the second part, you do realise that the PS4 has the same setup but it's intergrated into a single chip, plus both the CPU and GPU have access to 8GB of high bandwidth ram making EDram a non-requirment,

The Wii U eDRAM bandwith is much faster than normal RAM the PS4 uses. Interesting statement from the lead system architect from the PS4: 

For example, if we use eDRAM (on-chip DRAM) for the main memory in addition to the external memory, the memory bandwidth will be several terabytes per second. It will be a big advance in terms of performance.

He even explain why the PS4 don't use eDRAM:

However, in that case, we will make developers solve a puzzle, 'To realize the fastest operation, what data should be stored in which of the memories, the low-capacity eDRAM or the high-capacity external memory?' We wanted to avoid such a situation. We put the highest priority on allowing developers to spend their time creating values for their games.

Sony don't use eDRAM because they wanted to make console that is very easy to handle even for dumb programmers so they sacrifice performance for easy programming, the other reason is that eDRAM is very expensive.


You are misinformed. If eDRAM or eSRAM was used, it would be in conjunction with slow DDR3 RAM.

Sony chose GDDR5 RAM. It has more than enough speed and bandwidth to blow away any other possible configurations at the moment. It also happens to be the most developer friendly. The Wii U is not comparable to the PS4 or Xbox One in terms of specs, in any area. There is no "secret sauce".

Kyuu said:
The word Generation describes an era, not technology.

"and to be honest I think we’ve reached a point where we don’t need so much more hardware power – we need better games"

He's making a very good point. I don't think I'll ever see my X360 or PS3 as awfully weak consoles. But still, a more powerful system will expand the range of what developers can do.

Wrong - that is only (for some reason) consoles. Take tanks, jets, guns, cars etc. A generation is only met when certain requirments which surpass the previous ones are met, NOT the construction date.

jake_the_fake1 said:
I can't wait for Digital Foundry face off when Watchdogs is released, it's gonna be a field day of fun ;)

Considering Watchdogs is a multiplatform game it will not be 100% optimized for any console but we will be able to still see a graphical difference between PS3/360/WiiU versus XboxOne/PC/PS4.

I think once a couple of games come out showing how much more capable the Xboxone/PS4 are in comparison to the WiiU, I know for a fact that allot of Nintendo fans who are trying to defend the WiiU's graphics capability will eventually revert to their "Gameplay over Graphics" mantra.

Now I have no issue with this mantra as most people who state this understand the hardware limitation of a Nintendo console but who simply can't miss a Nintendo first part franchise, this to me is fair and understandable. What I don't understand is this incessant need to 'try' and put the WiiU on the same hardware level as the Xboxone/PS4, in spite of the facts that are known. I've read some Nintendo fans stating that it has a GPU with a modern architecture with 'dx11' feature set just like the xboxone/PS4 therefore reducing the gap, but that's like saying that because I have a Toyota Carola with 4 wheels and an engine it's now comparable to a Formula one car....yeah sure they both have 4 wheels and an engine BUT their not even on the same league in terms of speed .

Like I've said before in other threads, the WiiU will be capable of some very beautiful 720p graphics just like the PS3 and 360, also Nintendo will do right by their franchises as they've always done, but one must realize that the hardware Nintendo choose is simply not on the same level as the hardware Microsoft and Sony choose, and honestly that is ok.

As foe Shin’en comments, well duh it's a next generation box, it's an 8th generation console, the successor to the Wii a 7th generation box, however, in terms of hardware capabilities Nintendo is a generation behind it's competitors, but again that's OK, Nintendo is providing something different with it's tablet controller, if you disagree with Nintendo's direction then their are 4 other options to game on such as table/phone, PC, Xboxone, PS4.

This. Even though I don't think anyone is trying to claim that the Wii U is as good as the XBoxOne, talk less of the PS4. I think they're just trying to say that it's a few steps above the PS360 and is currently being underrated." type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

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jake_the_fake1 said:
crissindahouse said:

Nope, just a couple of things to note, it's a known fact that TV's have terrible scalars, especially the LCD/LED TV's, which are also the most common, so going with your hypothetical of an equal looking game a 1080p Image will look that much greater than a 720p image on a 1080p TV....but let’s say people have a 720p TV, Sure the 720p will look great, but now the 1080p which is being downscaled to 720p will look even greater, it in effect has received free AA (SSAA to be precise).

Let’s face it though, your hypothetical is only true if games were to be created on the WiiU and then up ported, however, the fact is, games are being made first and foremost on the more powerful hardware, which not only has more ram, but more GPU and GPGPU grunt, so games will look that much more detailed, have better AA, have better lighting, have better shadows, have more particle effects, have more physics, have more varied textures, have larger more detailed environments all while running at 1080p.

Games like watchdogs will be our first glimpse into the differences and I cannot wait for Lens of truth and Digital foundry to do their analysis for all to see, till then we can only wait till the end of the year, best year for the gamers of the world.


Unfortunately I'm afraid it will be exactly what you have said. Only a glimpse of the differences. Multiplatform games this year will pretty much all be cross-generational games with studios stretched thin - developing for sometimes 6-7 platforms, sometimes 5 with the majority most probably being ports. Also some will be using current engines. So the differences will be way smaller than the power potential is suggesting.

I think that only the next-gen only (Wii U included) titles will finally showcase how much more PS4 is capable, so I guess 2015-6 and forth. The question is, whether we'll see many multiplats between PS4, Xbone and Wii U other than annuals, or not AAA games, so from developers who really try to push the envelope in the likes of Crytek, id Software, Epic Games, 4A Games or Criterion. I don't think there will be many, but we'll see.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

TheJimbo1234 said:
Kyuu said:
The word Generation describes an era, not technology.

"and to be honest I think we’ve reached a point where we don’t need so much more hardware power – we need better games"

He's making a very good point. I don't think I'll ever see my X360 or PS3 as awfully weak consoles. But still, a more powerful system will expand the range of what developers can do.

Wrong - that is only (for some reason) consoles. Take tanks, jets, guns, cars etc. A generation is only met when certain requirments which surpass the previous ones are met, NOT the construction date.



So you're roundabout emplying that somehow Wii U "isn't" Next Gen.


DevilRising said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Kyuu said:
The word Generation describes an era, not technology.

"and to be honest I think we’ve reached a point where we don’t need so much more hardware power – we need better games"

He's making a very good point. I don't think I'll ever see my X360 or PS3 as awfully weak consoles. But still, a more powerful system will expand the range of what developers can do.

Wrong - that is only (for some reason) consoles. Take tanks, jets, guns, cars etc. A generation is only met when certain requirments which surpass the previous ones are met, NOT the construction date.



So you're roundabout emplying that somehow Wii U "isn't" Next Gen.


Oh here we go, everything has to have two meanings when you mention something in a Nintendo thread. But to answer you question (which is not what I was implying, merely an annoyance as gamers misuse that term) I would go with what many large dev studios have said along with my own hardware knowledge which is no, merely due to the lack of new features it offers in power eg. dx11.1 30fps at 1080p with ~3-4 terraflops of power. And yes, this also means I would say the Wii was not current gen either, but heck, that sold well due to the cash cow casual gaming and motion controls Nintendo landed on.

I agree with his comments, but I don't agree that WII U is next gen, more 1,5 than 2.0.



Take my love, take my land..

jake_the_fake1 said:
curl-6 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
curl-6 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:

My original statement stands, the developer hit a hard limit and compromised which is fine, however, After talking about harnessing the power of the WiiU they can hardly admit that they hit a limit so they just prettied up the words, turning a possible negative into a positive, typical PR spin. Honestly if the WiiU had the power to harness as he put it then 1080p with the same effects could have been possible, but that's not the case.


No matter what system you develop for, 1080p will always use more than double as many pixels as 720p, which means less remaining fillrate for other things. Even on PS4, you could push more post-effects on Killzone Shadowfall if it was 720p instead of 1080p.

In fact, speaking of Killzone, Guerrilla made it run at 30fps instead of 60fps for the same reason as Shin'en chose 720p; not that PS4 (Wii U) can't handle great graphics at 60fps, (1080p) but that they would rather prioritise detail over a higher framerate (higher resolution) many wouldn't notice.

You are correct that 1080p is resource intensive, so is 60fps, in fact even running 720p @ 60fps is resource intensive, surely they could of dropped it to 480p to put in more effects, but seriously, the thing in question here is the power of the WiiU, is the WiiU or is the WiiU not more powerful than the PS3/360?

1) If we assume that the WiiU is on par for the most part with the PS3/360, then Nano assault Neo as is, is perfectly fine running in 720p @60fps.

2) If we are to assume that the WiiU is, as some say x1.5 - x3 more powerful than then PS3/360, then a 1080p @ 60fps Nano assault neo game should exist seeing as a 2008 game of the same genre called Stardust ran in 1080p 60fps, surely a power console of 2012 could run the same with even more detail without breaking a sweat. Especially when the developer is claiming to harness the power of the WiiU.

Case in point, option 1 is the reality we live in, 2 is but a dream.


In regards to Killzone it is a franchise which histoyricaly runs at 30fps, killzone: Shadow fall is no different in this respect, it now runs in 1080p. Guerilla was not targeting 60fps, they were targeting 1080p with cinematic visuals. The difference here is that Nano assault neo actually ran in 1080p, before being downgraded to 720p, why would they develop the game to run at 1080p in the first place? if you read between the lines you will find that they wanted to target 1080p but couldn't achieve the look and feel of the game so they compromised on resolution to free up the resources as they were not going to compromise on frame rate. think about the excuse for one moment in what they said " We had the game also running in 1080p but the difference was not distinguishable when playing." why make such a statement if the game was designed to run in 720p?

Look at call of duty, they always target 60fps and always compromise resolution. Dropping resolution always reduces the image quality. Just ask any PC gamer who always wants to run the games at higher rez to make them look better. Just think about PS2/Wii games running on PC emulators at crazy high resolutions and see how good they look, allot of art is lost with low resolution, so for the developer to make such an excuse makes no sense unless the real reason is like I said, they talked big about harnessing the power of the WiiU, hit a limit, they compromised, and now had to do the PR dance to still hit their original claim of "Harnessing the power of the WiiU", thus making option 1 the reality above which answers the power question.

It is all my opinion so take it as you will :)

Well, at a glance, (I have not played it) Super Stardust HD doesn't seem to do as much with shaders and fillrate-related effects as Nano Assault Neo does, so it looks like another case of priority; SSHD pushed for 1080p above all, (PS3 devs were still chasing the 1080p dream back then, Wipeout HD another example) while NAN went for the best overall look, which Shin'en found was better served by using their fillrate on extra post effects than extra pixels.

Also, the "harnessing the Wii U's power" tagline was not Shin'en's words, the website chose that as an attention-grabbing headline. ;)

The reason Killzone historically runs at 30fps because the series has always sacrificed framerate for detail. It's still a compromise. Every system has is resource cap and there will always be compromises because devs naturally want to push things as far as they can. Many of the best looking PS3/360 games run at sub-HD resolution for the same reason Nano Assault runs at 720p; devs decide it looks better at lower res with more effects versus higher res with less effects.

There's much more to graphics than just resolution. Being in 720p doesn't inherently make a game technically unimpressive, for example, the Samaritan demo at 720p would still be nothing to scoff at, and Angry Birds at 1080p would be nothing to wow at.

Likewise, this is my opinion, to take for what you will. Thanks for keeping this an intelligent and mature discussion, those are hard to come by on the internet. :)

True that, alas 720p content loses a little of it's flare when on a 1080p TV, TV's have such crap scalars, this is why I'm happy with the PS4 doing 1080p. It also means less jaggies even without AA, with AA the image quality will look even cleaner and sharper, hell we may even get close to Samaritan by the end of the 8th generation.

Hey not a problem, mature discussions are the best so thank you as well :)

I was around during the creation of this site when the PS3 and 360 launched and fanboys ran rampant, I played my part back in day as we all do at one point as a gamer, it's funny how people mature over a console generation. We become the peeps on the forums which try having civil discussions while our younger selves do as we did back in the day...ahh this is the great circle of gaming and console launches, don't ya just love it?  XD

Though I must say, the technical discussions are not as fierce as they once were when the PS3 and 360 launched, I still remember forums going nuts with CELL and the 360 having the first GPU with UNIFIED SHADERS, fun times they were lol


Toshiba glasses-free 3D 4K HD TV has a great scaler for the lower resolutions.