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jake_the_fake1 said:
crissindahouse said:

Nope, just a couple of things to note, it's a known fact that TV's have terrible scalars, especially the LCD/LED TV's, which are also the most common, so going with your hypothetical of an equal looking game a 1080p Image will look that much greater than a 720p image on a 1080p TV....but let’s say people have a 720p TV, Sure the 720p will look great, but now the 1080p which is being downscaled to 720p will look even greater, it in effect has received free AA (SSAA to be precise).

Let’s face it though, your hypothetical is only true if games were to be created on the WiiU and then up ported, however, the fact is, games are being made first and foremost on the more powerful hardware, which not only has more ram, but more GPU and GPGPU grunt, so games will look that much more detailed, have better AA, have better lighting, have better shadows, have more particle effects, have more physics, have more varied textures, have larger more detailed environments all while running at 1080p.

Games like watchdogs will be our first glimpse into the differences and I cannot wait for Lens of truth and Digital foundry to do their analysis for all to see, till then we can only wait till the end of the year, best year for the gamers of the world.


Unfortunately I'm afraid it will be exactly what you have said. Only a glimpse of the differences. Multiplatform games this year will pretty much all be cross-generational games with studios stretched thin - developing for sometimes 6-7 platforms, sometimes 5 with the majority most probably being ports. Also some will be using current engines. So the differences will be way smaller than the power potential is suggesting.

I think that only the next-gen only (Wii U included) titles will finally showcase how much more PS4 is capable, so I guess 2015-6 and forth. The question is, whether we'll see many multiplats between PS4, Xbone and Wii U other than annuals, or not AAA games, so from developers who really try to push the envelope in the likes of Crytek, id Software, Epic Games, 4A Games or Criterion. I don't think there will be many, but we'll see.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!