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z101 said:
jake_the_fake1 said:

On the second part, you do realise that the PS4 has the same setup but it's intergrated into a single chip, plus both the CPU and GPU have access to 8GB of high bandwidth ram making EDram a non-requirment,

The Wii U eDRAM bandwith is much faster than normal RAM the PS4 uses. Interesting statement from the lead system architect from the PS4: 

For example, if we use eDRAM (on-chip DRAM) for the main memory in addition to the external memory, the memory bandwidth will be several terabytes per second. It will be a big advance in terms of performance.

He even explain why the PS4 don't use eDRAM:

However, in that case, we will make developers solve a puzzle, 'To realize the fastest operation, what data should be stored in which of the memories, the low-capacity eDRAM or the high-capacity external memory?' We wanted to avoid such a situation. We put the highest priority on allowing developers to spend their time creating values for their games.

Sony don't use eDRAM because they wanted to make console that is very easy to handle even for dumb programmers so they sacrifice performance for easy programming, the other reason is that eDRAM is very expensive.


You are misinformed. If eDRAM or eSRAM was used, it would be in conjunction with slow DDR3 RAM.

Sony chose GDDR5 RAM. It has more than enough speed and bandwidth to blow away any other possible configurations at the moment. It also happens to be the most developer friendly. The Wii U is not comparable to the PS4 or Xbox One in terms of specs, in any area. There is no "secret sauce".