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DevilRising said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
Kyuu said:
The word Generation describes an era, not technology.

"and to be honest I think we’ve reached a point where we don’t need so much more hardware power – we need better games"

He's making a very good point. I don't think I'll ever see my X360 or PS3 as awfully weak consoles. But still, a more powerful system will expand the range of what developers can do.

Wrong - that is only (for some reason) consoles. Take tanks, jets, guns, cars etc. A generation is only met when certain requirments which surpass the previous ones are met, NOT the construction date.



So you're roundabout emplying that somehow Wii U "isn't" Next Gen.


Oh here we go, everything has to have two meanings when you mention something in a Nintendo thread. But to answer you question (which is not what I was implying, merely an annoyance as gamers misuse that term) I would go with what many large dev studios have said along with my own hardware knowledge which is no, merely due to the lack of new features it offers in power eg. dx11.1 30fps at 1080p with ~3-4 terraflops of power. And yes, this also means I would say the Wii was not current gen either, but heck, that sold well due to the cash cow casual gaming and motion controls Nintendo landed on.