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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are Ps4 fans getting annoyed by the "PC is better" people??.

raf40928 said:

While they may be elitist.. It doesnt mean they are wrong... As you know the pc games often have a quality adjustment for resolution depending on how good of a graphics card your pc has.. While im sure the new xbox and ps4 games will look 'very close' in quality they will never look better then high end PC, which have better everything.. Some people have 73 inch screens hooked up to their high end PC's and use the MS made xbox controller for pc as well.. So PC users arent lacking anything except a kinect or move.. And many power gamers dont care about that stuff.. But kinect 2.0 may change that as it'll be much more practical- responsive- not sluggish


furthermore..this sorta puts gaming back into the PC corner.. Games will likely be ported more from PC.. Because they could now be made of the highest quality and then ported to the new xbox or ps4.. Developers can make more cash now by not having to make 3 versions... Only the wii u is standing alone , but im sure it wont hurt them much

the ps4 has never been closer to being a pc or 'next' xbox.. How did this happen?  Oh someone said we'll save money!

again...I'm not even sure why you are talking to me. You are ranting on and on about such random things to the point I think you quoted the wrong person.

Of course they are not 'wrong'. PC will games will look better in many cases for sure. Heck if I pay that much money to make a rig I better damn get some benefit visually. It always silly/stupid thing to say in the lines of omg my 800-1000 or more PC has better looking games yo...I mean no shit lol. 

lol ofcourse they wanted to save some money but PS4 is not cheapening out by any means. Sony is just being smart. Save money on R&D and have more room for pricing going forward. 

So again could you like stop wasting my time? I found PC elitist bickering nonsense silly back then ..and still do. It doesn't bother me in the least

oh and now more games have a chance to appear on the PC? Good for PC gamers..I'm happy for them. 

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keyboard, mouse, graphics = PC.

* consoles are budget Pc's now >.>

*Dev kits are Pc's.

PC gamers are annoyed with the stupidity of sony fans running around hyping the hardware like it's the best thing ever, while not even acknowledging that realistically it is not next gen, nor can it even hold 1080px60 at the same image quality that PCs have been able to do for years.

Even given the supposed "fixed" platform, optimizations, and "writing to the metal", and OMG 8GIGS, they fail to understand exactly the theoretical gains for maximizing those advantages, while anyone in the PC community knows the PS4 for what it is equivalent to, a mid-tier PC with a mid to mid high tier GPU.

The ultimate measurement of performance beyond the theoretical nonsense is straight up image quality, resolution, and frame rate. Console owners never win with resolution and frame rate, so they bullshit on the only thing that is somewhat subjective, and even then they lose that argument 99% of the time.

If console boys want to make graphics the measuring stick of a platform's superiority, don't get butthurt when you're called out on the bullshit.

Most PS fans like PC platform and respect it, from what I have gathered. So it doesn't really matter much.

There is absolutely zero reason to hate PC gaming.

KHlover said:
To be fair - PC gamers get a lot of shit from console users (just take a look at N4G for example).

and also console user's logic makes no sense when they want a powerful console but don't want a PC "looks also at N4G" 

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^^that reply made me

No matter what, PC gamers still can't be enjoying those quality exclusives. Moreover as years have trouble wanting to update hardware due to unoptimized software code.

LAst gen example-

PS3 GPU- based on Geforce 7900  GTX series. BAttlefield 3 runs.

PC GPU- 7900 GTX...Battlefield 3 fails to run because it's not Direct X-10 compliant card.

There are a number of pc gamers (not all) who run around moaning and whining about how great the graphics and mouse are in comparison to the console. It doesnt bother - I am used to this sort of fanboyism (and yes that is what it is) and used to seeing them not get critised for their views where as if someone says the same about their console you will see people coming out of the woodwork to defend their console.

<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Just imagine if you could travel 9 months into the future how advanced PC graphics will be by then. It will make the 3DS look like 2009 tech.

To be fair maybe some PC gamers here in this forum are tired of hearing that the PS4 is gonna have teh bestest Grafix eva!!! When its clearly not true as their PC is far more powerful and capable of playing games with higher framerates and MUCH higher resolutions.

I mean it works both ways.

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