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PC gamers are annoyed with the stupidity of sony fans running around hyping the hardware like it's the best thing ever, while not even acknowledging that realistically it is not next gen, nor can it even hold 1080px60 at the same image quality that PCs have been able to do for years.

Even given the supposed "fixed" platform, optimizations, and "writing to the metal", and OMG 8GIGS, they fail to understand exactly the theoretical gains for maximizing those advantages, while anyone in the PC community knows the PS4 for what it is equivalent to, a mid-tier PC with a mid to mid high tier GPU.

The ultimate measurement of performance beyond the theoretical nonsense is straight up image quality, resolution, and frame rate. Console owners never win with resolution and frame rate, so they bullshit on the only thing that is somewhat subjective, and even then they lose that argument 99% of the time.

If console boys want to make graphics the measuring stick of a platform's superiority, don't get butthurt when you're called out on the bullshit.