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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm confident Bayonetta 2 and/o Wonderful 101 will end up on PS360 now

Turkish said:

FIrst NG3 Razors Edge, and now Rayman Legends! Is it possible Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 end up on PS360 aswel? Nintendo publishes those games, but so did they publish NG3 Razors Edge in the West.

Not all business terms are created equal.  Gaiden 3 and Rayman were never guaranteed exclusives.  Gaiden 3 was even released on other consoles months before the Wii U version came out.  Rayman Legends was never more than a timed-exclusive at best, everyone knew that.

Bayonetta 2 is literally being partially funded and created with Nintendo Japan's direct influence, so that game might as well be first-party for all the chance it has of ever being released from their iron grip.  Wonderful 101 is anyone's guess.  I'd wager that if it sells well enough on Wii U that it will remain exclusive, for as long as Nintendo's agreement with them lasts.

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Im srry but just because other companies want more money (duh lol) doesn't mean Bayonetta is going multiplat also. Nintendo Funds it, equaling Bayonetta 2 for Nintendo Forever! Im sure Wonderful 101 will stay nintendo exclusive also, it heavily relies on the gamepad(or so i've seen)

I don't see it, at all. It is possible for Bayo 2 to hit PS3 since Nintendo doesn't own the IP, but who would publish it? If it bombs on Wii U all the more reason for nobody to touch it. Wonderful 101 seems to be a title at home on the Wii U as well.


As NG3 RE ... Team Ninja has a backer for their games, who does Platinum have?


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Yeah, it's possible. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson about 3rd parties.

And people wonder why Nintendo fans stick to Nintendo games so much.

Love and tolerate.

The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 are different than NG3: Razors Edge. Nintendo are both funding and publishing these games. Technically Platinum could get someone else to publish them for other consoles, unless the agreement stated that these must stay exclusive, but I doubt they would. If they did, Nintendo would never work with Platinum Games ever again. If both of these games bombed, Platinum would not lose any money, so no reason to betray Nintendo.

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101 maybe, and bayonetta depends on how the contract is written. Either way both will flop on the wii u.

Well, none of us know the terms of the agreement, so anything is possible, but I doubt we'll ever see Bayonetta 2 published anywhere else. I wouldn't rule it out completely, though, as Nintendo might simply have traded funding for limited exclusivity.

As far as we know, however, SEGA still holds the IP rights, so Bayonetta 3 as a mult-plat certainly isn't out of the question.

Bayonetta 2 isnt. 100% chance it wont.


Remember, SEGA cancelled the game. The game is beeing financed by Nintendo.

pokoko said:
Well, none of us know the terms of the agreement, so anything is possible, but I doubt we'll ever see Bayonetta 2 published anywhere else. I wouldn't rule it out completely, though, as Nintendo might simply have traded funding for limited exclusivity.

As far as we know, however, SEGA still holds the IP rights, so Bayonetta 3 as a mult-plat certainly isn't out of the question.

If such a game is ever made.It remains to be seen whether this investment by Nintendo will see a good return or not.I hope so but I´ve got a bad feeling about it.

Well maybe.


If you had the responsability to run a game development studio, you would do the same if you had the possibility and if it was a good move profit wise.