*Sound Of Rain said:
I haven't made any predictions in about a year, last time I was a complete failure and didn't even come close. I am very confident with this prediction though and decided to post.
My prediction for next gen is that Nintendo will dominate with the Wii U, Microsoft will come in a relatively distant 2nd with the 720, and Sony will fall behind and not even compete with the PS4.
My reasoning for this is pretty simple,
The Wii U will dominate Japan without question IMO. The 720, doesn't stand a chance with relatively no momentum going in. As for Sony, I think it will be very similar to the 3DS VS. the PSV there. The Wii U already has Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest is coming soon too. Nintendo also has many big franchises of their own with Kirby, the Wii series, Mario, and the more popular than ever Animal Crossing. Don't count Pikmin out either as I see that growing a lot with the Wii U. I just see it being a landslide win for Wii U in Japan. This alone will be a huge advantage.
I don't see Japan being that important next generation with the reason being that it's an afterthought to Western third parties. So basically it won't give Nintendo any real clout with them compared to Microsoft or Sony. With that being said I'm sure some people would argue that Japanese third parties could still rally behind Wii U but I don't even see that happening either and i'll explain why.
Basically it's games like Call of Duty that decide where the bulk of AAA and AA third party games go since they are so popular with Western audiences and force the smaller players to follow or risk having a very small potential audience for their games. This also includes Japanese third parties since many rely on Western sales for a significant portion of their AAA and AA sales (which some exceptions but they are usually in genres that have no significant impact in the West).
Of course Nintendo has some pretty massive games but they're in genres that third parties don't typically do well in. So they basically have no real impact on third party AAA and AA game development. So in order for the Wii U to get a lot of third party support it will have to attact a large share of the Call of Duty audience into using the Wii U as their primary system. This past holiday has shown that will be a major challenge for them since they weren't able to do it in significant numbers even without any next generation competition.
If those gamers do move to 720/PS4 in significant numbers it could be disasterous for Wii U in another way as well. Basically the competition between these games means they'll all be looking for any advantage they can get. So in trying to trump each other in graphics, physics, AI, etc it could lead to games with specs that take them out of the realm of being an easy port to Wii U to one where significant changes have to be made to the Wii U version. If that happens the Wii U would be the odd man out again and basically find itself in the position Wii was in this past generation for such games.
So that just leaves only a few ways for the Wii U to dominate. The first is catching lightning in a bottle again and becoming massive with casuals like the Wii was (which will be even harder this time around with the ever increasing competition for them from Apple and others). The second is if one of their first/second parties makes a game in a genre like FPS that becomes massive on the scale of 10-20+ million and causes a major shift of core gamers to the console. If you believe that either one or even both of those are going to happen then the Wii U does have a chance of dominating otherwise the discussion becomes just how poor third party support will be for it.