shiackz said: metroidking said:
Theres a difference between having a good figure and looking like a girl out of a playboy magazine. Look at the prime games, Retro didnt overly sexualise her. Fusion had a linear path but it still had some exploration, like finding the security locks. Also what Fusion lacked in exploration made up in atmosphere the added tension of the SA-X stalking you really gave the game something no other Metroid has done. Other M does neither of these. I dont expect every metroid to be the same definitely not but prime 2 and prime 3 deviated from the typical Metroid mechanics but still stayed true to its roots. I mean you dont even get power ups in Other M which is a staple of the series thats like Zelda not having dungeons its just absolutely insane that Sakamoto did that but as I said we will probably never see another Other M due to it underperforming.