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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

My number 1 game of all times -
World of Warcraft.
My only PC game on my whole list and pretty much one of the only games I use my PC for when it comes to gaming, ever since the beta of wow I've been wrapped up in it, I can't think of a single other game which has wrapped me up so much in it... well there really can't be heh, WoW takes far too much time for other games to get a chance to shine, Played a hunter in Vanilla but when tbc hit and warriors got the ability to dps I turned druid to tank for my guild and been doing so ever since, I've only ever been in 1 guild in wow... well there was some splits and some joining together of others but it's the same base that I started out with. Outside of the game itself I've travelled across all of Europe over the past few years to meet some of the people we've played with, from UK>Belguim>France>Germany came across all walks of nutters during years playing it. Even found a Rogue in wow who happened to live in the same region as me and now 4 years later is my wife and for that... no other game can shine a light.

its me! :o

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also it was well hard for me to make a list of just 50 games so I made my list by writing down all the games I loved then reordering them up and down spots based on which I loved the most so here is the complete list beyond the 50 we posted here :)

1)World of Warcraft (PC)
2)Super Street fighter 4 AE (Xbox360)
3)Secret of Mana (SNES)
4)Super Smash Brothers Melee (gamecube)
5)GTA 3 (ps2)
6)Pokemon Yellow (Game Boy)
7)Lylat Wars (n64/3DS)
8)Rhythm Heaven (nds)
9)Super Mario World 2 : Yoshis Island (SNES)
10)Fallout 3 (Xbox360)
11)Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (Gamecube)
12)Mario and Luigi : Superstar Saga (GBA)
13)Halo Combat Evolved (Xbox)
14)Elite Beat Agents (nds)
15)Metroid Prime (Gamecube)
16)Forza 3 (Xbox360)
17)Final Fantasy 7 (psone)
18)Star Wars Rebel Strike (Gamecube)
19)Disgaea afternoon of darkness (psp)
20)Secret of Evermore (SNES)
21)Gran Turismo (psone)
22)Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
23)Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 (GBA)
24)Picross 3d (nds)
25)BioShock (Xbox360)
26)Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (megadrive)
27)Mario 3d land (3DS)
28)Tumblepop (Arcade)
29)MGS the twin snakes (gamecube)
30)Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (n64)
31)PSO eps 1+2 (gamecube)
32)Populous (SNES)
33)Rhythm Heaven (Wii)
34)Illusions of Time/Gaia (SNES)
35)Every Extend Extra (psp)
36)Child of Eden (Xbox360)
37)Professor Layton and the unwound future (nds)
38)Angry Birds Trilogy (3DS)
39)Beatles: Rock Band (Xbox360)
40)Beautiful Katamari (Xbox360)
41)Portal 2 (Xbox360)
42)Tetris DS (nds)
43)Mario 64 (n64)
44)Pikmin (gamecube)
45)Street fighter EX + alpha (psone)
46)Star Fox (SNES)
47)Golden Axe (megadrive)
48)Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (gamecube)
49)Ivy the Kiwi? (Wii)
50)Lumines 2 (psp)
51)WarioWare Inc. (GBA)
52)Excite Truck (Wii)
53)Dynamite Headdy (megadrive)
54)Super Metriod (SNES)
55)Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4 (gamecube)
56)Pokemon Trading Card game (Game Boy)
57)Gears of War 3 (Xbox360)
58)Super Mario World (SNES)
59)Morrowind (Xbox)
60)GTA4 (Xbox360)
61)Professor Layton and the Curious Village (nds)
62)Sonic The Hedgehog (megadrive)
63)Xmen Vs street fighter (Arcade)
64)Final Fantasy 8 (psone)
65)Too Human (Xbox360)
66)Plants Vs Zombies (Xbox360)
67)Pilotwings 64 (n64)
68)Ikaruga (gamecube)
69)Luigis Mansion (gamecube)
70)Doom (SNES/GBA)
71)WarioWare Smooth Moves (Wii)
72)Madworld (Wii)
73)Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (megadrive)
74)Bubble Bobble (NES)
75)Halo3 (Xbox360)
76)Gran Turismo 4 (ps2)
77)Metriod Zero Mission (GBA)
78)Goldeneye (n64)
79)GTA vice City (ps2)
80)Powerstone (Dreamcast)
81)Kuru Kuru Kururin (GBA)
82)Portal (Xbox360)
83)Rhythm Tengoku (GBA)
84)Transport Tycoon (psone)
85)N+ (nds)
86)Flashback (megadrive)
87)WWE wrestlemania XIX (Gamecube)
88)Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance (ps2)
89)Donkey Konga (gamecube)
90)Fzero X (n64)
91)Metroid Fusion (GBA)
92)New Super Mario Bros (nds)
93)NHL hitz 2002 (gamecube)
94)Pokemon Gold (Game Boy)
95)WarioWare Twisted (GBA)
96)Gears of War 1 (Xbox360)
97)Final Fantasy Crystal chronicles (gamecube)
98)Warioware Touched (nds)
99)Fzero GX (gamecube)
100)MGS2 (ps2)
101)Dead or Alive : Dimensions (3DS)
102)Mega-lo-mania (megadrive)
103)Star Wars Rogue Leader (gamecube)

104)Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (3DS)
105)Lego RockBand (Xbox360)
106)Pokemon Snap (n64)
107)Super mario galaxy (Wii)
108)Harvest Moon 2 (Game Boy)
109)Super Mario Sunshine (gamecube)
110)Star Wars Clone Wars (gamecube)
111)Time Crisis 2 (ps2)
112)Soleil (megadrive)
113)Pokemon Stadium (n64)
114)Super Mario Land (Game Boy)
115)GTA san andreas (Xbox)
116)Streets of Rage (megadrive)
117)Paper Mario 1000 year door (gamecube)
118)Final Fantasy 9 (psone)
119)Adventure Island (NES)
120)Golden Sun (GBA)
121)Chibi robot park patrol (nds)
122)Aquatic Games (megadrive)
123)Pikmin2 (gamecube)
124)Theme Hospital (psone)
125)Tekken 3 (psone)
126)Killer Instinct (SNES)
127)Sonic Generations (3DS)
128)WarioLand 4 (GBA)
129)PaRappa (psone)
130)Time Hollow (nds)
131)Metriod Prime 2 Echoes (gamecube)
132)Micro Machines 96 (megadrive)
133)Advance Wars (GBA)
134)Theme Park (psone)
135)Azure dreams (Game Boy)
136)Enduro (Atari 2600)
137)Mega Man X (SNES)
138)Halo Reach (Xbox360)
139)Gears of War 2 (Xbox360)
140)Sega Rally Championships (Sega Saturn)
141)Rocket Knight Adventures. (megadrive)
142)Wonder Boy 3 Monsters lair. (megadrive)
143)Mega Man 2 (NES)
144)Burnout 2 (gamecube)
145)Zero Tolerence (megadrive)
146)Rez (Dreamcast)
147)Dirt 2 (Xbox360)
148)Street fighter Alpha 2 (Arcade)
149)Aggressive inline (gamecube)
150)Gran Turismo 3 (ps2)
151)Sonic and Knuckles (megadrive)
152)Nanostray (nds)
153)Dungeons and Dragons Warriors of the eternal Sun. (megadrive)
154)Soul Calibur 2 (gamecube)
155)R type delta (psone)
156)Zone of the enders (ps2)
157)Lemmings (megadrive)
158)Star Wars : Rogue squadron (n64)
159)Nightmare creatures (psone)
160)Dark Cloud (ps2)
161)Simpsons Hit and Run (gamecube)
162)Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
163)Final Fight (Arcade)
164)Animal Crossing Wild World (nds)
165)Electroplankton (nds)
166)Gran Turismo 2 (psone)
167)Dance Central (Xbox360)
168)Super Mario Land 2 : 6 golden Coins (Game Boy)
169)Super Street fighter 2 (Arcade)
170)Wipeout 2097 (psone)
171)R-Type Final (ps2)
172)Sonic The Hedgehog episode 4 (Xbox360)
173)Samba de amigo (Wii)
174)Dead or Alive 3 (Xbox)
175)Columns (megadrive)
176)World Heroes (Arcade)
177)James Pond 2 Operation Robocod (megadrive)
178)Ring of Red (ps2)

I love games :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

2. Half-Life 2 + Eps 1 &2 (PC, also on X-box and in Orange box on 360 & PS3)

Sequel to what is probably the most innovative FPS to ever grace the market, Half-Life 2 had a lot to live up to but boy did it deliver. When released, the animations were some of the best ever seen, the graphics were superb even on a low spec PC, the physics implementation was revolutionary, the characters felt real, the battles were suitably epic in scale and it introduced the superb concept of the gravity based weapon.

Much like the original, HL2 maintained the immersion by sticking to the first-person perspective. As the silent protagonist Gordon Freeman, you had the chance to let your imagination place your own persona into the image of Gordon Freeman. However, Valve took this concept and blew it out of the water with its dystopian setting and storytelling. Hidden extras in the world reveal tit-bits of info on the story and events leading up to HL2plus  potential events in future games. You are always Gordon Freeman, so when/if you miss them, Gordon misses them. Control of Gordon's movements is always with the player, so when Gordon's physical abilities are impaired, the feeling of being powerless is amplified. This is done well near the end of HL2 but utilised expertly throughout Episode 2. 

Another factor that I think is often overlooked is the acting and animations of the characters. In most games, the acting is terrible and the characters feel like they're just generic plot devices. In HL2, the characters actually engage in real life actions. The actions of Alyx are where this is most apparent. Yes she's with you (or Gordon) and talking to you through large segments with good animation, but also little details like when she's teleported to her father's lab and she smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Easily missed, but little details like this help to breathe life into the characters.

I haven't even mentioned the superb game design Valve implement where early on they allow you to explore an area to get the lay of the land before entering a gun fight. Or the immense battles vs soldiers and gunships on dystopian rooftops closely followed by mass battles with striders. Or the well paced vehicle sections where just as they start to get boring, you move onto something else. Or the little puzzle sections that give you breathing room from all the action. Or the brilliant implementation of physics as a gameplay mechanic with the gravity gun brought into full glory in the creepy Ravenholm. Or the ant lion section where you control the beasts and use them to attack your enemies. The sheer variety and depth in the game is epic in every sense of the word. No other pure FPS does what Half-Life 2 manages in a single package. 

Add to all this the fact that Valve are continually updating the Source engine and many little improvements are seemingly retrofitted into Half-Life 2 and Eps 1 & 2, and you get the greatest FPS single-player package on the planet.

My list is finally complete xD I was surprised at just how many handheld titles appeared in my top 50 (38 of them) - it took me a long time to get my list up, but I enjoyed creating it. Thanks Smeags for reminding me so regularly xD

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

1. Deus Ex (PC, also on PS2)

So, finally we reach number 1, although anyone who looked at last years list, this should be pretty obvious. This is quite simply the greatest game ever created! So many different play-styles, so many different decision trees, and a fantastic story to boot. If you like FPS or you like RPGs (even better if you like both!), this game has to be played. The tech may be old, but the story and the gameplay are timeless.

Set in a cyber punk world (set in the not too distant future) where a wide array of hidden political groups, terrorist factions, freedom fighters and advanced computer AI are all vying for for their ideological future. You play JC Denton, a new nano-augmented agent for anti-terrorist organisation UNATCO. The first level shoves you in the deep end and immediately sets the tone for the rest of the game. You enter the docks to find terrorists have attacked the base to steal the months supply of a vaccine for a global plague. You're tasked with finding the terrorist leader (alive). Immediately, your brother (a fellow agent) gives you the option of which weapon you want to carry: crossbow, sniper rifle or RPG.

You then have multiple options; Do you use stealth and sneak around? Do you go to the other side of the island and meet with the contact for the key to the front door? Do you pick the lock? Do you find a back way in? Do you hack the security systems and disable the cameras? Do you make for the ammo caches first? Do you go in guns blazing or silently take them down? Do you kill your enemies or just stun them? Do you avoid them alltogether? Do you bother with the secondary objective and save the captured agent or just leave him? If you do rescue him do you give him a gun? When you reach your final objective do you follow orders or outright kill him?

All those decisions are on the first level and can have an immediate effect on the way other characters interact with you. In the future, the choices you make have serious repercussions on the characters around you including whether they live or die. The repercussions aren't always clear-cut either. Whether your pilot Jock lives at the end of the game is based solely on your curiosity rather than a clear positive/negative decision tree seen in most RPGs. All these decision trees and the detail in the world (you can drink and eat food, read newspapers, hack computers to read e-mails, get drunk/high etc.) make this game deeply immersive.

In fact, the game is so ridiculously immersive to the point of embarrassment for me. I actually mistook the beeping of a stopwatch (in real life) for the sound the explosives make when they're about to go off and dived into the opposite room. Luckily, no-one saw, but yeah...

I haven't even talked about the story yet. The storyline is one of the best in video games history. A deep and involving plot that combines political intrigue, conspiracy and advanced science into one amazing package. What's so extraordinary is that it manages to retain an excellent storyline whilst still giving the player such huge freedom and choice. Only a select few games have ever acheived this, and I can't think of one that had as much choice as that offered in Deus Ex.

Add to all this the variety of weapons that included a measly batton/knife, grenades (EMP, gas, explosive), assault rifles, shotguns, RPGs, sniper rifles and massive energy weapons, plus all the different nano augmentations (enhancements) that included invisibility to either bots or organics, healing, super speed, spy bots, balistic protection plus visual enhancements, and you get an amazing package.

A Deus Ex prequel in Human Revolution made it to number 3, but even with the new graphics, the level of immersion is still slightly lacking by comparison as there is just a ridiculous amount of interaction with the world in the original. That and it had stupid boss fights whereas the orginals boss fights still played out with multiple paths in mind. There were 3 different points you could fight Anna Navarre depending on player decisions for instance.

So the game was perfect in single player, many will complain the multiplayer wasn't that good. I entered the multiplayer with this in mind but have to say, I found it thoroughly enjoyable. The sheer variety of weapons and nano-augmentations kept it fresh, different and was actually a lot of fun. Bascially, this game is incredible, and if you haven't played it, you owe it to yourself to give this a go. Oh and it also predicts the future as it predicted 9/11 a year before it happened! Play this game for a view into our future! If you can't sand the old school graphics then theres a High Def texture pack(s)/graphics mod for it:

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And I'm done. Thanks for doing this again Smeags and Happy New Year everyone!

Stuff that I imagine will make it onto next year's list:

-BioShock Infinite
-The Last of Us
-The Last Guardian on the tiny off-change that it comes out
-God of War: Ascension assuming they don't screw it up
-Hopefully some other stuff that will be announced later in the year.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Stuff that I imagine will make it onto next year's list:

-BioShock Infinite
-The Last of Us
-The Last Guardian on the tiny off-change that it comes out
-God of War: Ascension assuming they don't screw it up
-Hopefully some other stuff that will be announced later in the year.

I'm positive New Super Mario Bros U will. The Unlimited version of Monster Hunter Tri will probably replace the Wii version, and hopefully Fire Emblem: Awakening lives up to its hype and could carve out a spot.

The wildcard is Batman: Arkham City.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Some Statistics for My Top 50 List:

Median Year: 2002.96
Median Score: 90.22

Games that could be on next year's list:

New Super Mario Bros. U
Bioshock Infinite
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Rayman Legends

Participants Who Are Being Procrastinators:

JoeTheBro (hasn't started)
SlimeBeast (hasn't started)
Tizona (hasn't started)
TheChalkBlock (hasn't started)
Viper1 (hasn't started)
Lodder (hasn't started)

F0X (barely started)
Ajescent (barely started)
Mike_Intellivison (barely started)

PavoLink (almost finished)
SnakeDrake (almost finished)

Might just wait to let PavoLink and SnakeDrake finish and cut the rest out. :/ Every one of their walls is plastered with my comments bugging them.

Smeags said:

Median Year: 2002.96
Median Score: 90.22

Games that could be on next year's list:

New Super Mario Bros. U
Bioshock Infinite
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Rayman Legends

Participants who are being procrastinators:

JoeTheBro (hasn't started)
SlimeBeast (hasn't started)
Tizona (hasn't started)
TheChalkBlock (hasn't started)
Viper1 (hasn't started)
Lodder (hasn't started)

F0X (barely started)
Ajescent (barely started)
Mike_Intellivison (barely started)

PavoLink (almost finished)
SnakeDrake (almost finished)

Might just wait to let PavoLink and SnakeDrake finish and cut the rest out. :/ Every one of their walls is plastered with my comments bugging them.

Have you finished tallying the votes? I'm asking since it does sound like you have. 

Besides that I thank you for arranging this event. I have enjoyed doing my list very much and watching lists from other people.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David